
The CitySDK gem encapulates the CItySDK API, and offers high-level file import functionalities. The CitySDK API is part of an (open)data distribution platform developed in the EU CitySDK program by Waag Society. Find the platform itself on github, platform documentation is here.


require 'citysdk'

# check the dev site for api usage.

api ='')

# simple GET
# GET requests do not need authentication
first10layers = api.get('/layers')
puts "Number of layers: #{first10layers[:record_count]}"
puts "First layer: #{JSON.pretty_generate(first10layers[:results][0])}"

# authenticate for write actions.
exit if not api.authenticate(<email>,<passw>)

# make a layer
# when you own the 'my' top level layer domain: 
@api.put('/layers',{:data => {
  :name => 'my.layer',
  :description => 'for testing',
  :organization => 'me',
  :category => 'civic.test'

# add data to this layer
# attach to the node representing the city of Rotterdam
api.put('/', {:data => {:key1=>'value1', :key2=>10}})


# don't forget to release! this will also send 'unfilled' batches to the backend.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request