
This gem provides helper functions that allows you to do schema checks and control files up against each other according to the CircuitData Language


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'circuitdata'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install circuitdata


If not in rails

require 'circuitdata'



This returns the JSON schema used internally to validate the Circuit Data information. It returns the schema without any usage of $ref so that it can be utilized without any knowledge of the internal paths.


Returns a list of grouped questions that can be used for populating an input interface related to profiles.

Example output:

    id: :rigid_conductive_layer,
    name: 'Rigid conductive layer',
    questions: [
        code: :copper_foil_roughness,
        name: 'Copper foil roughness',
        defaults: {
          descriptor: {
            type: "string",
            enum: ["S", "L", "V"],
            uom: ["um"],
            description: "The roughness of the copper foil."
          path: "/open_trade_transfer_package/profiles/default/printed_circuits_fabrication_data/rigid_conductive_layer/copper_foil_roughness"
  # ...


To validate a CircuitData JSON file the Validator can be used. This will check that a file matches the schema defined in the CircuitData language as well as logical issues. An example of a logical issue is missing layers in the layers list for a product.

The following is an example of using the Validator:

validator =
if !validator.valid?
  puts validator.errors.inspect
# ...


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.