
The Cinch Translate Plugin. Translate your messages via the Google Translate API!


if you haven't already...

$ gem install cinch

then install this gem.

$ gem install cinch-translate

Installation and Setup


  • :api_key - Your Google Translate API Key
  • :to - The language you want to translate to(using codemap key, this is for auto translate). default is 'en'
  • :from - The language you want to tranlsate from(using codemap key, or can be set to auto to auto-discover). default is 'auto'
  • :auto - turn auto translate on or off. default is off


  • !translate [codemap] [message] - translate the given message to the language codemap
  • !translate-from [from] [to] [message] - translate from the given codemape to the to codemap
  • !languages? - List all the available languages
  • !codemap [language] - return the codemap for the given language
  • !auto_translate - toggle auto translate on or off
  • !auto_translate to [codemap] - set the to language for auto translate
  • !auto_translate from [codemap] - set the from language for auto translate

Integration with Cinch

It's simple. follow the guide on cinch or do something like:

# mybot.rb
require 'cinch'
require 'cinch/plugins/translate'

bot = do
  configure do |c|
    c.server           = ""
    c.nick             = "cinch"
    c.channels         = ["#padrino"]
    c.plugins.plugins  = [Cinch::Plugins::Memo::Base]
    c.plugins.options[Cinch::Plugins::Translate][:api_key] = 'your_api_key"
    c.plugins.options[Cinch::Plugins::Translate][:to]      = 'fr'
    c.plugins.options[Cinch::Plugins::Translate][:from]    = 'en'
    c.plugins.options[Cinch::Plugins::Translate][:auto]    = true



Finally, run your bot.

ruby -rubygems mybot.rb

And there you go!


  • Maybe add bot as middleman in conversation
  • Come up with more cool ideas.