
Tasty wrapper for the Baconfile API. Baconfile is a handy way to share, comment, and tweet about files uploaded to your Amazon S3 account.


sudo gem install chunky_baconfile


# crank up a client object
>> client ='username', 'password')

# create a folder
>> client.folder('test_folder')
=> <#ChunkyBaconfile::FileInfo content_type="image/png" description="" file_url="" id="3c05b1e667fc3cf4fd6219d146324bdd" is_folder=false name="wynn-120x120.png" path="pengwynn/test_folder/wynn-120x120.png" permalink="" size=7271 time_modified=1262755171 tiny_url="" type="image" url="/pengwynn/">>

# get a list of files in a folder
>> client.folder('test_folder')
=> [<#ChunkyBaconfile::FileInfo content_type="image/png" description="" file_url="" id="3c05b1e667fc3cf4fd6219d146324bdd" is_folder=false name="wynn-120x120.png" path="pengwynn/test_folder/wynn-120x120.png" permalink="" size=7271 time_modified=1262755171 tiny_url="" type="image" url="/pengwynn/test_folder/wynn-120x120.png/" user=<#Hashie::Mash id=947 timezone="America/Chicago" username="pengwynn">>]

# get info about a single item
>> client.file('test_folder', 'wynn-120x120.png')
=> <#ChunkyBaconfile::FileInfo content_type="image/png" description="" file_url="" id="3c05b1e667fc3cf4fd6219d146324bdd" is_folder=false name="wynn-120x120.png" path="pengwynn/test_folder/wynn-120x120.png" permalink="" size=7271 time_modified=1262755171 tiny_url="" type="image" url="/pengwynn/test_folder/wynn-120x120.png/" user=<#Hashie::Mash id=947 timezone="America/Chicago" username="pengwynn">>

# upload a file
>> client.upload_file('cat.jpg')
=> <#ChunkyBaconfile::FileInfo content_type="image/jpg" description="" file_url="" id="763e5559987f22aa710fdbd3bac0fc40" is_folder=false name="cat.jpg" path="pengwynn/cat.jpg" permalink="" size=39368 time_modified=1262884937 tiny_url="" type="image" url="/pengwynn/cat.jpg/" user=<#Hashie::Mash id=947 timezone="America/Chicago" username="pengwynn">>

# Get the most recent public files
>> ChunkyBaconfile.public

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

Copyright (c) 2010 Wynn Netherland. See LICENSE for details.