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Character is powerful responsive javascript-based CMS for website and applications used by Slate Studio.

Quick Start

First install the character gem:

gem install chr

Then run:

chr projectname

This will create a Rails app in projectname using the latest version of Rails with character CMS integrated.

Go to the created project folder. To create an admin user, open a rails console with rails c and execute the following line :

AdminUser.create(email: '[email protected]', password: 'password', name: 'admin')

Start the development server with rails s. Go to localhost:3000/admin and login with the credentials you used above. You see default character initial configuration, it gives file uploader, admins and redirects modules out of the box as shown on screenshot below.

Default Character Setup Demo

Project is ready to deploy to Heroku. Take a look at projects to add plugins, create S3 bucket and setup ENV settings required to run the app. After deploy first admin has to be created via heroku run console:

AdminUser.create(email: '[email protected]', password: 'password', name: 'admin')

Connect Models

Character Family:

  • Character: Powerful responsive javascript CMS for apps
  • Mongosteen: An easy way to add RESTful actions for Mongoid models
  • Inverter: An easy way to connect Rails templates content to Character CMS
  • Loft: Media assets manager for Character CMS


Copyright © 2015 Slate Studio, LLC. Character is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the license.

About Slate Studio

Slate Studio

Character is maintained and funded by Slate Studio, LLC. Tweet your questions or suggestions to @slatestudio and while you’re at it follow us too.