
Wraps ChefVault::Item.load with a new method ChefVaultRetry::Item.load that will periodically retry to decrypt the secret if an exception is raised. This is primarily intended to ease the bootstrapping of new systems by keeping chef-client runs from failing.


Replace the following code in your recipes:

chef_gem 'chef-vault' do
  compile_time true if respond_to?(:compile_time)

require 'chef-vault'

item = ChefVault::Item.load('passwords', 'root')

with this instead:

chef_gem 'chef-vault-retry' do
  compile_time true if respond_to?(:compile_time)

require 'chef-vault-retry'

item = ChefVaultRetry::Item.load('passwords', 'root')

The same ChefVault::Item.load method will be called, but if a secret decryption exception is raised:

  1. A message will output about the failure
    • e.g. SecretDecryption exception raised; please refresh vault item (passwords/root)
  2. Recipe execution will pause for 30 seconds
  3. The process will repeat
    • It will repeat this 40 times by default (~20 minutes). The number of retries can be customized by passing a Fixnum as the retries argument of ChefVaultRetry::Item.load

Databag Fallback

This cookbook emulates the default chef-vault cookbook behaviour and falls back to normal data bag item loading if the item is not actually a Chef Vault item. This can be disabled by passing databag_fallback=false to ChefVaultRetry::Item.load.