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Chasqui is a simple, lightweight, persistent implementation of the publish-subscribe (pub/sub) messaging pattern for service oriented architectures.

Chasqui delivers messages to subscribers in a Resque-compatible format. If you are already using Resque and/or Sidekiq, Chasqui will make a wonderful companion to your architecture.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'chasqui'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install chasqui


Chasqui uses Redis to queue events and manage subscriptions. You can install redis with your favorite package manager, such as homebrew, yum, or apt, or if you prefer, you can run vagrant up to run Redis in a virtual machine.

Quick Start

Chasqui consistents of two components - a client and a broker. The broker's responsibility is to forward published events to registered subscribers. The client can both publish events and register subscribers.

Start the broker

chasqui -r redis://localhost:6379/0 -q my-app

Your broker must use the same redis connection as your sidekiq (or resque) workers. For a list of available broker options, run chasqui --help.

Publish events

Publishing events is simple.

# file: publisher.rb
require 'chasqui'
Chasqui.publish 'user.sign-up', 'Luke Skywalker'
Chasqui.publish 'user.cancel', 'Dart Vader', 'invalid use of the force'

Be sure to run the publisher, broker, and subscribers in separate terminal windows.

ruby publisher.rb

Subscribe to events

Subscribing to events is also simple. The following example tells chasqui to forward events to the subscriber's 'my-app' queue, for which chasqui will generate the appropriate worker class. Within the subscriber block, you define one or more on blocks in which you place your application logic for handling an event.

# file: subscriber1.rb
require 'chasqui'

Chasqui.subscribe queue: 'my-app' do

  on 'user.sign-up' do |user_id|
    # do something when the user signs up

  on 'user.cancel' do |user_id, reason|
    # do something else when user cancels


You can have as many subscribers as you like, but each subscriber must have its own unique queue name.

Here is how you can run the subscriber as a sidekiq worker:

sidekiq -r subscriber.rb

To run the resque worker, you first need to create a Rakefile.

# Rakefile
require 'resque'
require 'resque/tasks'

task 'resque:setup' => ['chasqui:subscriber']

namespace :chasqui do
  task :subscriber do
    require './subscriber.rb'

Then you can run the resque worker to start processing events.

rake resque:work

Why Chasqui?

  • Reduces coupling between applications
  • Integrates with the popular sidekiq and resque background worker libraries
  • Queues events for registered subscribers even if a subscriber is unavailable


In order for chasqui to work properly, the publisher, broker, and all subscribers must connect to the same Redis database.


  • For new functionality, please open an issue for discussion before creating a pull request.
  • For bug fixes, you are welcome to create a pull request without first opening an issue.
  • Except for documentation changes, tests are required with all pull requests.
  • Please be polite and respectful when discussing the project with maintainers and your fellow contributors.

Code of Conduct

If you are unsure whether or not your communication may be inappropriate, please consult the Chasqui Code of Conduct. If you even suspect harassment or abuse, please report it to the email address listed in the Code of Conduct.