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Chasqui is a simple, lightweight, persistent implementation of the publish-subscribe (pub/sub) messaging pattern for service oriented architectures.

Chasqui delivers messages to subscribers in a Resque-compatible format. If you are already using Resque and/or Sidekiq, Chasqui will make a wonderful companion to your architecture.

Why do you need Chasqui?

  • To reduce coupling between applications
  • To process, monitor, and retry messages idependent of request cycles


Chasqui is designed with reliability in mind. Failure is expected and planned for in the design.

Chasqui uses Redis to create persistent queues. Chasqui does not use the Redis Pub/Sub feature because it cannot ensure delivery of messages, especially when subscribers are not running.

Chasqui consists of two components, a client and a server. The client provides a simple interface for publishing messages. The client places messages on a persistent queue, called an inbox, where they wait for further processing. The server reads messages from the inbox and places them on the queues of each subscriber. The server will create queues for subscribers if the queues do not exist.

The advantage of this design is that messages are not lost when the chasqui server or the chasqui subscribers are not running.

Is Chasqui the best choice for you?

Chasqui is perfect for you if your current architecture meets all of the following criteria listed below.

  1. You have a service oriented architecture of some kind.
  2. You primarily use resque and/or sidekiq to process jobs already.
  3. You want a simple Pub/Sub solution with minimal setup and maintenance.
  4. Your organization or traffic volume is not high enough to warrant a more complex solution.

If any of the above are not true for you, you may want to consider other available solutions. This website maintains a list of alternatives for you to consider:

If Chasqui is not right for you, then please use another solution. I designed Chasqui to solve a specific problem for a particular scale and company size.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'chasqui'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install chasqui

Publishing events

Publishing events is simple.

Chasqui.publish 'user.sign-up', user_id

To prevent conflicts with other applications, you can choose a unique channel for your events.

# config/initializers/chasqui.rb
Chasqui.configure do |config| = 'com.example.myapp'

Now when you call Chasqui.publish '', data, ..., Chasqui will publish the event com.example.myapp.user.sign-up.

Subscribing to events

# file: otherapp/app/subscribers/user_events.rb
Chasqui.subscribe 'com.example.myapp', queue: 'unique_queue_name_for_app' do

  on 'user.sign-up' do |user_id|
    user = User.find user_id

  on 'user.cancel' do |user_id, reason|
    user = User.find user_id
    AdminMailer.user_cancelled(user, reason).deliver


Configure Chasqui

Chasqui.configure do |config| = 'com.example.transcoder'
  config.redis = ENV.fetch('REDIS_URL')
  config.workers = :sidekiq # or :resque

Running the broker

Installing and running Chasqui on Ubuntu using the system ruby.

# install required dependencies
$ sudo apt-get install ruby redis-server

# install chasqui
$ sudo gem install chasqui --no-ri --no-rdoc

# run chasqui
$ chasqui
I, [2015-09-23T00:58:16.630857 #2420]  INFO -- chasqui: broker started with pid 2420
I, [2015-09-23T00:58:16.631147 #2420]  INFO -- chasqui: configured to fetch events from inbox on #<Redis client v3.2.1 for redis://>

There is also a sample Upstart init script in examples/upstart.conf.

If you prefer a different distro or init system, please consider opening a pull-request. Your efforts will be greatly admired and appreciated!


  • For new functionality, please open an issue for discussion before creating a pull request.
  • For bug fixes, you are welcome to create a pull request without first opening an issue.
  • Except for documentation changes, tests are required with all pull requests.
  • Please be polite and respectful when discussing the project with maintainers and your fellow contributors.

Code of Conduct

If you are unsure whether or not your communication may be inappropriate, please consult the Chasqui Code of Conduct. If you even suspect harassment or abuse, please report it to the email address listed in the Code of Conduct.