
Charted is a minimal web traffic analytics app.


$ gem install charted

Also install the relevant database adapter, depending on which db you plan to use:

$ gem install dm-mysql-adapter

Setup a file and run it like any other Sinatra application.

require 'rubygems'
require 'charted'

Charted.configure do |c|
  c.delete_after 365                             # only keep a years worth of data
  c.error_email  '[email protected]'           # production exceptions are sent here
  c.sites        ['', '']
  c.db_options(                                  # database config
    adapter:     'postgres',
    host:        'localhost',
    username:    'root',
    password:    'secret',
    database:    'charted')
  c.email_options(                               # error email config (see Pony gem for options)
    from:        '[email protected]',
    via:         :smtp,
    via_options: {host: ''})

run Charted::App if !ENV['CHARTED_CMD']

Stick this in your bashrc or zshrc:


Then initialize the database:

$ charted --migrate

The app should be mounted to /charted path on your domain

In your app, generate a charted.js file. This can be safely concatenated with you other JavaScript assets.

$ charted --js > /path/to/my/project/public/charted.js


$ gem install charted

You may need to generate a charted.js file again:

$ charted --js > /path/to/my/project/public/charted.js


The web application is for end users, to get information about your traffic use the included command line application.

$ charted --site hugh # just needs the first few letters
| Total | Unique | Visits                               |
| 7,012 |  5,919 | February 2013                        |
| 6,505 |  4,722 | January 2013                         |
| 5,342 |  3,988 | December 2012                        |

Basic tracking of common stats like visits, referrers, or user agents are done automatically. You can also track events, conversions, and experiments.

Events can be recorded with JavaScript:"1st Button Clicked");"1st Button Clicked", "2nd Button Clicked");

To start a conversion, you'll need to set the data-conversions attribute of the <body> element:

<body data-conversions="RSS Subscribed; Item Purchased">

Just separate goal names with a semi-colon. When the conversion goal has been reached:

Charted.goals("RSS Subscribed");
Charted.goals("RSS Subscribed", "Item Purchased"); // calls can be batched

Experiments use the data-experiments attribute and use the format experiment: bucket1, bucket2, ...:

<body data-experiments="Buy Button: Blue, Green, Red">

The included JavaScript will automatically select a bucket for this user and append a relevant class name to the <body> element like:

<body class="buy-button-green">

The class name is just the experiment label and bucket lowercased with spaces replaced with dashes. Use CSS to tweak the buy button. When a user clicks on a button, use JavaScript to send a message to the server:

Charted.goals("Buy Button");

Running charted --clean will prune the database of old data. I recommend putting this as a cronjob. It can also be used to remove bad entries in the events/conversions/experiments table:

charted --clean "Buy Button"

Rack Extensions

I recommend using these extensions with Charted:


Put this in your zshrc or bashrc:

export CHARTED_CONFIG="/path/to/charted/"

Then run:

$ bin/charted --migrate
$ shotgun

Head on over to http://localhost:9393/charted/prime.html. This is where recordings should occur.

Tests are setup to run via ruby test/*_test.rb or via rake.


  • handle case where visitor visits "/charted" or any other route directly (bad input)
  • record/display uniques for pages, etc... perhaps --unique option
  • add --limit NUMBER to limit number of rows per table outputted
  • add date range options (--start "3 days ago" --end "1 day ago")


geoip.dat is provided by MaxMind at

Copyright Hugh Bien - Released under BSD License, see for more info.