
CFBackup is a small ruby program that transfers files or directories from the local machine to a Cloud Files container. It is meant to serve as a useful tool for automated backups.


  • Push (backup) a single file or directory (uses pseudo directories)
  • Pull (restore) a single file or directory
  • Delete (rotate) remote objects
  • Pipe data straight to container
  • Free transfers over local Rackspace network for Slicehost/Cloud Server customers in DFW1 datacenter


  • cloudfiles >= 1.4.4


  • If you install CFBackup as a gem, all of the dependencies should automatically be installed for you.
  • Ubuntu Users: The Ubuntu rubygems package will install executables outside your normal PATH. You will need to update it or create a symlink to access cfbackup from anywhere. See the wiki for more information.



A sample configuration file named cfconfig.yml should have be placed in /etc if installed as a gem. CFBackup will look in the following places (in order) for the configuration file named cfconfig.yml:

  • Hidden in home directory (~/.cfbackup.yml)
  • Non-hidden in present working directory (./cfbackup.yml)
  • In etc (/etc/cfbackup.yml)

The configuration file can be overridden at any time with the --config_file option


Usage: cfbackup.rb --action push|pull|delete options --container CONTAINER
        --action ACTION              Action to perform: push, pull, or delete.
        --pipe_data                  Pipe data from another application and stream it to Cloud Files
    -r, --recursive                  Traverse local path recursivley
    -v, --verbose                    Run verbosely
        --local_path LOCAL_PATH      Local path or file
        --container CONTAINER        Cloud Files container name
        --version                    Show current version
        --config_file PATH           Use specified config file, rather than the default
        --local_net                  Use unmetered connection in DFW1 (only applicable to Slicehost or Mosso Cloud Server customers)
        --max_retries COUNT          Change the number of times to retry an operation before giving up
        --ignore_errors              Ignore file operation errors (push only) and continue processing other files
        --error_log FILEPATH         Create an error log at the given filepath containing a listing of failed push operations

The wiki has usage examples and some sample automation scripts can be found in the example_scripts directory.

Copyright (c) 2009 Jon Stacey. See LICENSE for details.