CloudFoundry UAA Command Line Client

Build Status

Build the gem

$ bundle install
$ gem build cf-uaac.gemspec

Install it

$ gem install cf-uaac*.gem

or from rubygems

$ gem install cf-uaac

Run it

$ uaac help
$ uaac target
$ uaac token get <your-cf-username>
$ uaac token decode

To use the APIs, see:


Run the tests with rake:

$ bundle exec rake test

Run the tests and see a fancy coverage report:

$ bundle exec rake cov

Run integration tests (on a server running on localhost:8080/uaa):

$ export UAA_CLIENT_ID="admin"
$ export UAA_CLIENT_SECRET="adminsecret"
$ export UAA_CLIENT_TARGET="http://localhost:8080/uaa"
$ bundle exec rake test