
This project is designed to be a Rails 3.0 engine that uses a large portion of the code from the [rubycas-server][] project. Certain portions of this code belong to the rubycas-server project owners.


This engine currently only works with Rails 3.0. To have it work with the application you must do three things:

Install as a gem

Put this line in your project's Gemfile:

gem 'cassy'

Create a new initializer (probably called config/initializers/cassy.rb) and point cassy at the correct configuration file of your application:

Cassy::Engine.config.config_file = Rails.root + "config/cassy.yml"

Create this configuration file at config/cassy.yml. Fill it with these values:

# Times are in seconds.
maximum_unused_login_ticket_lifetime: 300
maximum_unused_service_ticket_lifetime: 300

  class: Cassy::Authenticators::Devise

The first two keys are the time-to-expiry for the login and service tickets respectively. The class for the authentication can be any constant which responds to a validates method. By default, only Devise authentication is supported at the moment.

Next, you will need to tell Cassy to load its routes in your application which you can do by calling cassy in config/routes.rb:

Rails.application.routes.draw do

  # your routes go here

Boom, done. Now this application will act as a CAS server.

For customization options please see the "Customization" section below.


The configuration options for this gem goes into a file called config/cassy.yml at the root of the project if you've set it up as advised, and this allows the engine to be configured.

These configuration options are detailed here for your convenience. For specific term definitions, please consult the CAS spec.

authenticator: Must specify at least one key, class, which is a string version of a constant that will be used for authentication in the system. This constant must respond to validate. maximum_unused_login_ticket_lifetime: The time before a login ticket would expire. maximum_unused_service_ticket_lifetime: The time before a service ticket would expire. username_field: Defines the field on the users table which is used for the lookup for the username. Defaults to "username". username_label: Allows for the "Username" label on the sign in page to be given a different value. Helpful if you want to call it "Email" or "User Name" instead.


Sessions Controller

In Cassy, it is possible to override the controller which is used for authentication. To do this, the controller can be configured in config/routes.rb:

cassy :controllers => "sessions"

By doing this, it will point at the SessionsController rather than the default of Cassy::SessionsController. This controller then should inherit from Cassy::SessionsController to inherit the original behaviour and will need to point to the views of Cassy:

class SessionsController < Cassy::SessionsController
  def new
    # custom behaviour goes here