
Capistrano 3 tasks used for Twingly's Ruby deployment


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'capistrano-twingly', github: 'twingly/capistrano-twingly'

And then execute:

$ bundle


If you want to require all dependencies (capistrano, capistrano-bundler, capistrano-chruby) and all task helpers, it is possible to do so with one line:

# Capfile
require 'capistrano/twingly'

See below if you want to selectively require tasks. In any case, you need to set variables and specify tasks as demonstrated below.

Deploy current git branch

# Capfile
require 'capistrano/twingly/current_git_branch'

# config/deploy/production.rb
set :branch, Twingly::Git.current_branch

Nginx tasks

# Capfile
require 'capistrano/twingly/nginx'

# config/deploy.rb
set :app_name, 'contest-bamba'
set :server_names, %w(
set :use_https, true # Optional

namespace :deploy do
  after :finishing, 'deploy:nginx:generate_config'
  after :finishing, 'deploy:nginx:upload_config'
  after :finishing, 'deploy:nginx:enable_config'
  after :finishing, 'deploy:nginx:reload'


# Capfile
require 'capistrano/twingly/service'

# config/deploy.rb
set :procfile_contents, -> {
  contents = ''
  contents << "web: "
  contents << "chruby-exec #{fetch(:chruby_ruby)} -- "
  contents << "bundle exec "
  contents << "puma "
  contents << "-b unix:///tmp/#{fetch(:app_name)}.sock "
  contents << "-e #{fetch(:stage)}"

namespace :deploy do
  after :stop, 'deploy:disable_autostart'
  after :start, 'deploy:enable_autostart'
  after :restart, 'deploy:enable_autostart'

It's also possible to use a different Procfile for each host by setting procfile_contents to a Hash:

# config/deploy.rb
set :procfile_contents, -> {
  servers = fetch(:servers_from_srv_record)

  servers.each_with_object({}) do |hostname, procfiles_by_host|
    contents = "web: CURRENT_HOST=#{hostname} bundle exec puma"

    procfiles_by_host[hostname] = contents

Tag deploys in Git

# Capfile
require 'capistrano/twingly/tag_deploy_in_git'

# config/deploy.rb
namespace :deploy do
  after :finishing, 'deploy:push_deploy_tag'

Fetch servers from SRV record

# Capfile
require 'capistrano/twingly/servers_from_srv_record'

# config/deploy/production.rb
fetch(:servers_from_srv_record).each do |hostname|
  server hostname, user: 'deploy', roles: %w{app}

Release workflow

  • Update the examples in this README if needed.

  • Bump the version in capistrano-twingly.gemspec in a commit, no need to push (the release task does that).

  • Ensure you are signed in to as twingly with gem signin.

  • Build and publish the gem. This will create the proper tag in git, push the commit and tag and upload to RubyGems.

    bundle exec rake release
  • Update the changelog with GitHub Changelog Generator (gem install github_changelog_generator if you don't have it, set CHANGELOG_GITHUB_TOKEN to a personal access token to avoid rate limiting by GitHub). This command will update You need to commit and push manually.


Note about

The changelog is incorrect for some old versions, where the version was increased before the pull request was merged. This is due to how github_changelog_generator works.