
This gem provides some capistrano tasks for config files management during deploy. With it you can:

  • Create symlinks to config files in shared directory on each deploy
  • Upload config files to shared directory from local machine on each deploy
  • Use erb and capistrano tasks binding in your config files (it will compile before uploading to server)
  • Make separate config files for each rails environment
  • Automatically create shared_path/config directory on deploy:setup


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'capistrano-shared_config'

And then execute:

$ bundle install


Configure variables in config/deploy.rb, then require capistrano/shared_config:

set :shared_config_files, %w[settings.local nginx.conf]
set :shared_config_symlinks, %w[database, settings.local newrelic.yml] # default is same as shared_config_files

require 'capistrano/shared_config'

Notice, you may skip .yml extension when configuring configs lists (Known extensions are: .rb, .conf, .pem, .ppk and .yml).

Make sure, you require capistrano/shared_config after desired shared_config_files set

You can also configure, when to run provided tasks:

# set :run_shared_config_symlinks, [:after, 'deploy:update_code']
# set :run_shared_config_sync, [:after, 'deploy:update_code']
# set :run_early_shared_config_check, [:before, 'deploy:update_code']

require 'capistrano/shared_config'

Advanced Usage

You can call particular cap task with FILE env variable specified to upload or check only one file:

$ cap shared_config:sync FILE=newrelic

Or you can inspect content generated in config file with show task like this:

$ cap shared_config:show FILE=settings.local

It will output content of specified file surrounded by ===== lines

Config Files Lookup

For uploading to server, provided task sync use files from config directory. For every file_name in shared_config_files (after adding default .yml if needed) it try to find the following files in order:

  1. config/rails_env.file_name.erb
  2. config/rails_env.file_name
  3. config/file_name.erb
  4. config/file_name


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request