Capistrano Semantic Version Git Tags

A Capistrano tasks for generating a semantic version Git tag at each deployment.


  • Capistrano 3
  • Git 2.1+


capistrano-semver-git-tags is available on In keeping with the pattern used by Capistrano itself and other plugins, add it to the development group of your Gemfile with require: false:

# Gemfile
group :development do
  gem 'capistrano-semver-git-tags', '~> 0.1.0', require: false

Then require capistrano/semver-tag in your Capfile

# Capfile
require 'capistrano/semver-tag'

This will allow you to use one of three tasks:

For bug fixes

bundle exec cap production deploy:patch

For new features

bundle exec cap production deploy:minor

For major changes that break backward compatibility

bundle exec cap production deploy:major