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A tool for managing your environment variables across your cluster. The library manipulates the system-wide environment variables by modifying the /etc/environment file.


  • cap env:list – To list current environment configuration
  • cap env:get[VARIABLE_NAME, VARIABLE_NAME, ...] – To get the value of a list of variables
  • cap env:unset[VARIABLE_NAME, VARIABLE_NAME, ...] – To delete environment variables
  • cap env:set[VARIABLE_NAME=VALUE, VARIABLE_NAME=VALUE, ...] – To set environment variables
  • cap env:sync – To synchronise the environment configuration across servers

If you need to programatically manipulate the environment you can use the Capistrano::EnvConfig::Environment class like so:

require 'capistrano/env_config/environment'

environment = # Reads and loads /etc/environment from all servers
environment.list # Returns a hash of all environment variables
environment.get( 'VARIABLE' ) # Gets a variable by name
environment.set( 'VARIABLE', 'VALUE' ) # Sets a variable
environment.delete( 'VARIABLE' ) # Deletes a variable
environment.sync # Uploads current confifuration to all servers

By default capistrano sets and reads the /etc/environment of all roles. This behaviour can be changed by setting:

set :env_config_roles, [ :web, :app ]

The new and sync methods also accept an optional argument for specifying roles explicitly (overriding the value set in :env_config_roles):

environment.list( :app )
environment.sync( [ :web, :app ] )


Add the gem to your Gemfile:

group :development do
  gem 'capistrano-env_config'

And the following line to your Capfile:

require 'capistrano/env_config'

In your server provisioning script, make sure the deploy user has write access to the /etc/environment file, which is used to store the configured variables.

The simplest way to do that would be to:

chown :deploy /etc/environment
chmod g+w /etc/environment


Copyright Itay Grudev (c) 2017.

This gem and all associated documentation is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3 license.