
Attach callbacks to classes to be triggered for all instances or attach them to an individual instance to be triggered only for this instance.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'callbacks_attachable', '~> 2.0'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself:

$ gem install callbacks_attachable


require 'callbacks_attachable'

class AClass
    include CallbacksAttachable

Callbacks attached to the class

Attach callbacks for an event for all instances of a class with:

AClass.on(:event) do |method|
  puts __send__(method)

instance0 = 0)
instance1 = 1)

instance0.trigger(:event, :value) # => 0
instance1.trigger(:event, :value) # => 1

Callbacks attached to a class are evaluated in the context of the instance they are triggered for with #instance_exec. This means self inside the callback is the instance the callback is evaluated for. The arguments given to .trigger are passed to the callback as additional arguments.

Registering a callback returns a Callback object. To cancel the callback use #cancel on that object.

callback = AClass.on(:event) { do_something }

A callback can also be registered for multiple events:

AClass.on(:event1, :event2, :event3, opts, &callback) 

If you want to execute a callback just a single time attach it with .once_on:

AClass.once_on(:singular) { puts 'callback called!' } # => puts 'callback called!' and immediately
                          #    detaches the callback # => does nothing

Callbacks attached to an instance

All above mentioned methods on the class level also exist for each instance of the class. They behave the same with the one exception that callbacks are executed bound to the context its block was defined, just like normal blocks are: self inside a callback is the same as outside of it.

Callbacks for an individual instance are executed by calling #trigger on it. This also executes callbacks attached to the class.

instance =

AClass.on(:event) { puts 'class callback' }
instance.on(:event) { puts 'instance callback' }

instance.trigger(:event) # => 'class callback'
                         #    'instance callback'