Cacheable Date Helper – Making your caching-experience more fun!

cacheable_date_helper aims to add some alternatives to some of the built-in date-helpers in rails, specifically to help avoid problems with caching.


  • Rails 3.x (Not tested with Rails 3.1)

  • Jquery

  • gem ‘babilu’


In your gemfile:

gem 'cacheable_date_helper'

Then run the installation-generator, which will add two javascript-files to your public/javascripts folder

rails generate cacheable_date_helper:install

Include the javascript-files in your layout:

<%= javascript_include_tag ['date','locales','cacheable_date_helper'] %>

Note the extra ‘locales’ reference. This is a reference to the locales.js file that the babilu gem automatically generates. You can leave this reference out, if you’re already using the babilu gem and have the locales.js referenced elsewhere.


  • time_ago_in_words

Have you ever tried caching pages where this helper is used? It’s no fun at all!

Imagine you have a page, where you print out a list of comments, and on each comment you print out a time_ago_in_words string for when the comment was created. Then imagine that you page_cache this page indefinitely and sweep it when a comment is added, removed or edited. What happens then with the time_ago_in_word strings? - They only change when the page is sweeped! So you risk having a page where a comment is marked as created “less than a minute ago” even though it might be years since that comment was created.

cacheable_date_helper to the rescue!

What you can do instead, is use cacheable_date_helper’s cacheable_time_ago_in_words method, which instead of outputting a time_ago_in_words-string simply outputs the date localized with the :short format. Furthermore the date is put in a span-tag with some HTML5-data attributes that stores the UTC-version of the date. Then when the page loads, an unobtrusive piece of javascript-code finds all these span-tags and replaces their content with a similar time_ago_in_words string based on their respective UTC-date and the local time on the clients computer. The javascript that generates the time_ago_in_words string is a direct port of the original rails-version, and even uses your rails locale-files to generate the strings (with help from the babilu gem).


cacheable_time_ago_in_words( - 2 minutes) # => <span class="time_ago_in_words" data-timestamp="Mon Jul 18 12:21:12 UTC 2011" data-include-seconds="false">18 Jul 14:21</span>

Which will be replaced by the client-side javascript with:

2 minutes ago


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