
A library to send c2dm notifications in parallel.

This code is based on https://github.com/amro/c2dm


gem install typhoeus


c2dm_batch = C2dmBatch.new @c2dm_batch.email = '[email protected]' @c2dm_batch.password = 'password' @c2dm_batch.source = 'your app name' @c2dm_batch.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) # default logger

Send a single notification

@c2dm_batch.email = '[email protected]' 
@c2dm_batch.password = 'password'
@c2dm_batch.source = 'your app name'
notification = {
  :registration_id => "your_reg_id",
    :data => { 
      :test => "test"

Send notifications in batch

@c2dm_batch.email = '[email protected]' 
@c2dm_batch.password = 'password'
@c2dm_batch.source = 'your app name'
notification = [
    :registration_id => "your_reg_id",
      :data => { 
        :test => "foo"
    :registration_id => "your_reg_id2",
      :data => { 
        :test => "bar"
errors = @c2dm_batch.send_batch_notification(notification)

Using Typhoeus, the send_batch_notification will parallelize the request in up to 200 parallel requests. Once a request finishes, a new request will automatically get send out. The return value is an array of hashes. The hash is of the form { :registration_id => 'reg_id', :error => 'error_code' }

Possible Error Codes

The error code and description are taken from the official c2dm docuementation at: http://code.google.com/android/c2dm/

  • QuotaExceeded — Too many messages sent by the sender. Retry after a while.
  • DeviceQuotaExceeded — Too many messages sent by the sender to a specific device. Retry after a while.
  • InvalidRegistration — Missing or bad registration_id. Sender should stop sending messages to this device.
  • NotRegistered — The registration_id is no longer valid, for example user has uninstalled the application or turned off notifications. Sender should stop sending messages to this device.
  • MessageTooBig — The payload of the message is too big, see the limitations. Reduce the size of the message.
  • MissingCollapseKey — Collapse key is required. Include collapse key in the request.
  • 503 - Must retry later. c2dm batch aborts all in-flight requests and returns all unsent requests with a 503 error code. Resending with honoring the Retry-After and exponentail backoff are not implemented.