BuzzFeed - Automated Buzz From The Web Model

It is popular to have a “Buzz From The Web” widget on the site. This plugin will allow you just that. Use this plugin for automated combining of RSS/Atom links from various internet sources. It provides a background worker that periodically updates the Buzz model with fresh RSS/Atom links from sources you define.

Installation (Rails 3 ready)

Add this line to your Gemfile (and run bundle install):

gem 'buzz_feed'

Run the generator which will generate some configuration files.

rails g buzz_feed
rake db:migrate

The plugin comes with a Buzz model file. You can override the default model by creating a new app/models/buzz.rb file.


The generator creates a config/buzz_feed.yml where you configure the plugin. Here is a sample where I defined two sources (smashingmagazine and github RSS sources; the name can be whatever).

development: &defaults
      url: ''
      url: ''

The generator also creates config/initializers/buzz_feed.rb that has defined a Rufus scheduler for periodical reading/updating the Buzz model. You can comment this out to disable periodical updates.


You can manually read a feed like this:

data ='github').each do |item|
  puts item[:id]
  puts item[:title]
  puts item[:url]
  puts item[:created_at]

To manually update the Buzz model with fresh links do this:


In case you would like to update all services do this:


You can list all defined service names like this:

data = BuzzFeed::Client.service_names.each do |name|
  puts name

Rake tasks are also available:

rake buzz_feed:update_all
rake buzz_feed:update('smashingmagazine')