Bundler Private Gem Server

Patch for bundler to support credentials for sources that are not stored in Gemfile.lock. Useful when running an additional private gem server besides rubygems.org.


# Gemfile
source "https://rubygems.org/"
source "http://_:[email protected]" do

# Gemfile.lock
  remote: https://rubygems.org/
  remote: http://_:[email protected]/ (not http://user:[email protected])


This comes with no warranty!

To prevent bundler from storing a source url to your private gem server with credentials I patched bundler. See lib/bundler-pgs/bundler_patch.rb for details.

bundle-pgs will raise an exception in case the patched class and method does not exist in bundleranymore.


Install the gem on every server using bundler, e.g. ci, staging and production:

$ gem install bundler-pgs

Exclude script bundle-pgs from NOEXEC:

$ export NOEXEC_EXCLUDE="bundle-pgs"

Or better:

# .bashrc
export NOEXEC_EXCLUDE="bundle-pgs"

Otherwise you will get strange errors when running bundle-pgs, for example:

$ bundle-pgs
Resolving dependencies...
Could not find gem 'foo (>= 0) ruby' in the gems available on this machine.

Add your private gem server url with _ (underscore) as placeholder for the credentials:

# Gemfile
source "https://rubygems.org"
source "http://_:[email protected]" do 
  gem 'my_private_gem'

Add your credentials to ~/.gem/gemserver_credential on every server using bundler, e.g. ci, staging and production:

# ~/.gem/gemserver_credential
  source: "http://_:[email protected]"
  user: gem
  password: secret

Change mod:

$ chmod 600 ~/.gem/gemserver_credential

Use the bundler patch by running bundle-pgs instead of bundle, e.g.:

$ bundle-pgs install

This loads bundler as usual and applies the patch.

You will also need to change the bundle command for Capistrano:

# config/deploy.rb
require "bundler/capistrano"
set :bundle_cmd, "bundle-pgs"


For comments and question feel free to contact me: [email protected]

Copyright by Thomas Baustert, released under the MIT license