
A CLI for Bunch.app.


$ gem install bunch


$ bunch -h  
CLI for Bunch.app
-l, --list                       List available Bunches
-s, --show BUNCH                 Show contents of Bunch
-o, --open                       Open Bunch ignoring "Toggle Bunches" preference
-c, --close                      Close Bunch ignoring "Toggle Bunches" preference
-t, --toggle                     Toggle Bunch ignoring "Toggle Bunches" preference
    --snippet                    Load as snippet
    --fragment=FRAGMENT          Run a specific section
    --vars=VARS                  Variables to pass to a snippet, comma-separated
    --pref                       Set a preference. Run without argument to list available preferences.
-u, --url                        Output URL instead of opening
-i, --interactive                Interactively generate a Bunch url
    --show-config                Display configuration values
-f, --force-refresh              Force refresh cached preferences
-h, --help                       Display this screen
-v, --version                    Display Bunch version

Usage: bunch [options] BUNCH_NAME|PATH_TO_FILE

Bunch names are case insensitive and will execute first match


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.