
Circle CI


In your Gemfile use one of the following “uby gem ‘bulky’, ‘~> 2.0.0’ # or gem ‘bulky’, github: ‘tma1/bulky’ # or in bash run git submodule add [email protected]:tma1/bulky.git vendor/bulky # then add to your gemfile gem ‘bulky’, path: ‘vendor/bulky’ # users add a submodule (aka path…) need to run git submodule init –update


“hen edit your

Then in your shell prompt

“sh bundle rake bulky_engine:install:migrations rake db:migrate sidekiq


Application Add a form in app/views/bulky/updates/edit.html.haml to override the one provided.

Command Line

“by # model, ids, arguments for update_attributes! Bulky.enqueue_update(Account, [10,25], => “Yes, please.”)

This will enqueue the Bulky::Updater to update each account when the job is processed by Sidekiq