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BrandEins Downloader

BrandEins Downloader is a command line tool to download former volumes of the german economy magazine Brand Eins. The articles are available on the websites archive and BrandEins Downloader helps a little out to download all single fragmented files and merges them into a single pdf.


BrandEins Downloader uses pdftk and depends on ruby, rubygems, and several ruby libraries (that you can get through rubygems)


gem install brandeins


Download just a certain single magazine

brandeins download --path=/Path/where/to/download/the/files --year=2011 --volume=5

Download the whole collection of a year

brandeins download --path=/Path/where/to/download/the/files --year=2011 --all


Pull requests are very welcome! Please try to follow these simple rules if applicable:

  • Please create a topic branch for every separate change you make.
  • Update the README.


Gregory Igelmund (@grekko)


Thorben Schröder