
box_cli provides a basic and minimal command-line interface to Box ( It is not written by Box; use at your own risk. We hope that eventually Box will provide their own command-line interfaces for Linux, BSD, OS/X, Windows, etc. Until then, this may help.

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Install the gem:

gem install box_cli


After installing the gem, you can run the command box to use the application. For help, type

box --help

NOTE: All of the commands that communicate with Box require an API key and user credentials. To obtain your own Box API key, read the documentation here: -- We do not ship an API key with this gem, because you may be working off of a forked copy.

When a command requires an API key and user credentials, it will find them in the following order:

  1. It will find the values in the options --api_key, --user, and --password
  2. Failing that, it will check for environment variables BOX_CLI_API_KEY, BOX_CLI_USER, and BOX_CLI_PASSWORD
  3. Failing that, it will prompt for the value from the keyboard

You may define each of these options separately. In other words, if you define only the environment variables BOX_CLI_API_KEY and BOX_CLI_USER, you will be prompted only for the password.

The most commonly-used commands are:

box info path
box upload file path
box download path
box delete path

The commands adhere fairly closely to the Box API, as defined by the list of calls in the right sidebar at the developer site: For example, box account_info might produce an interaction similar to this:

$ box account_info
Status: get_account_info_ok
   Login:           [email protected]
   Email:           [email protected]
   Access:          11756654
   User:            11756654
   Space amount:    21474836480
   Space used:      1657381056
   Max upload size: 2147483647

To understand what the status value "get_account_info_ok" means, consult the documentation for the API call that corresponds to the command (i.e.,


To run all tests that don't require exercising box directly, set the BOX_CLI_* environment variables. Unless they are set to something, the console will be prompted for values. The values don't have to be realistic.

BOX_CLI_API_KEY=abodaciouskey [email protected] BOX_CLI_PASSWORD=bananatime bundle exec rake

Many of the Cucumber features require a working Box API key and user credentials, which should be defined through environment variables. The default rake task excludes all features tagged with @requires_authorization so that TravisCI will not exercise the actual service. This means that if you make changes in features, you should verify by running cucumber directly (not through rake) with your own key, user, and password:

BOX_CLI_API_KEY=pzay0j0o2psakijtm9ysn2jjd2ho7qg5 [email protected] BOX_CLI_PASSWORD=secretpassword01 bundle exec cucumber

NOTE: If you recreate the VCR cassettes, make sure to invalidate your API key and credentials before making a pull request or anything else that would reveal your key or credentials. While we've set VCR to filter out these sensitive data, don't run the risk of something getting captured.

Contributing to box_cli

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
  • Fork the project.
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch.
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.

Copyright (c) 2012 Iora Health. See LICENSE.txt for further details.