
Botup is command-line tool that generates basic skeleton for telegram bot.


Just run this in your terminal:

$ gem install botup


Bootstrap new telegram bot was never so simple!

$ botup my_super_bot # Provide bot name in snake_case
$ cd my_super_bot && bundle install # Install dependencies

What's in the bot?

| |____my_super_bot             # Executable for starting your bot client
| |____my_super_bot
| | |____client.rb              # Telegram client which listens to incomming messages
| | |____commands_keeper.rb     # Stores all available commands (includes test command by deault);
| | |____commands_manager.rb    # Routes command to the appropriate one from commands_keeper.rb
| | |____message_parser.rb      # Parses sent message to command and params
| |____my_super_bot.rb

How to use your bot

  • Obtain bot api key by @BotFather and put it in .env file.
  • Add desired methods to lib/YOUR_BOT_NAME/commands_keeper.rb. For example, to implement command /today_schedule just create appropriate method:

    def friday ? "Hooray it's friday" : "It's always Friday somewhere."
  • Start bot by running executable:

    $ my_super_bot/bin/my_super_bot

  • Try it out by sending /friday command(or some other command that you have already implemented)


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


Originally was inspired(and partially borrowed) by telegram_meetup_bot.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.