
Gem Version Build Status Code Climate Coverage Status

This gem provides helper methods for various Bootstrap components.

Includes support for:

  • navigation
    • nav bar
    • nav list
  • modal dialogs
    • modal_trigger
    • modal_alert
    • modal_confirm
  • icons
    • icons with text
  • buttons
    • <button>
    • <a> styled as button
  • button groups
  • button toolbars
  • labels and badges
  • dropdowns
    • nav dropdowns
    • button dropdowns
    • split-button dropdowns
  • accordion
  • form helpers
    • submit_tag_button
    • cancel_tag_button
  • alerts
  • table helper

For the complete list of available helpers see the API documentation.


This is a new gem undergoing a lot of change. There is a chance that some backwards compatibility will be broken until things settle down.


Bootstrap Requirement

Bootstrap is required in your application, but bootstrap-view-helpers does not enforce this. You are responsible for Bootstrap being present in your application.

There are gems for this including bootstrap-sass.

Installing bootstrap-view-helpers

Add it to your Gemfile:

gem "bootstrap-view-helpers"

Run bundler:

bundle install

See working examples served up in your application (assuming you have Bootstrap):

http://<your app>/bootstrap_view_helpers

Url helpers for the example page: bvh_path and bvh_url.

API Documentation

Complete API documentation at


<%= nav_bar do %>      

  <%= brand('Span Brand') %>
  <%= brand('Link Brand', url: '#') %>
  <%= brand('MyApp', with_environment: true) %>

  <%= nav_bar_links do %>
    <%= nav_bar_link('Active', '#', active: true) %>
    <%= nav_bar_link('Link 1', '/link1') %>
    <%= nav_bar_divider %>
    <%= nav_bar_link('Link 2', '/link2') %>
  <% end %>

  <%= nav_bar_links(pull: 'right') do %>
    <%= nav_bar_text('logged in as admin') %>
    <%= nav_dropdown('Dropdown 1') do %>
      <%= dropdown_item('One', 'foo')%>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>

<% end %>
<%= nav_list(id: 'my') do %>
  <%= nav_list_header('Buttons & Labels') %>
  <%= dropdown_item('Buttons', 'butons')%>
  <%= dropdown_item('Labels', 'butons')%>
<% end %>

Simple Example Using Defaults

<%= modal_trigger("Click to show modal", href: '#modal-1') %>

<%= modal(id: 'modal-1') do %>
  <%= modal_header("Heading") %>
  <%= modal_body("The body ...") %>
  <%= modal_footer %>
<% end %>

Block Form Using Other Modal Helpers

<%= modal_trigger("Click to show modal", href: '#modal-2', class: 'btn btn-primary') %>

<%= modal(id: 'modal-2') do %>
  <%= modal_header(close: false) do %>
    Heading <small>(with no close button)</small>
  <% end %>
  <%= modal_body do %>
    <h4>Modal Body</h4>
    <p>With additional markup</p>
  <% end %>
  <%= modal_footer do %>
    <%= button("Save", :primary) %>
    <%= modal_footer_close_button("Dismiss") %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>
<%= modal_trigger("Click to show Alert", href: '#alert') %>
<%= modal_alert("Watch out", id: 'alert') %>

<%= modal_trigger("Click to show Alert w/block", href: '#alert-block') %>
<%= modal_alert(id: 'alert-block', header: 'Custom Header') do %>
  This is some <b>bold</b> text from the <code>modal_alert</code> block.
<% end %>
<%= modal_trigger("Click to show Confirm", href: '#confirm') %>
<%= modal_confirm("Watch out", id: 'confirm') %>

<%= modal_trigger("Click to show Confirm w/block", href: '#confirm-block') %>
<%= modal_confirm(id: 'confirm-block', header: 'Custom Header') do %>
  This is some <b>bold</b> text from the <code>modal_confirm</code> block.
<% end %>




icon(:search, :white)
icon(:search, :white, id: 'my-id')

Icons with Text

icon(:search, 'Search')
icon(:remove, :white, 'Delete')
icon(:ok, 'Save', id: 'my-id')

Line up text when some have icons and some don't

icon(:search, 'With icon')  # shows search icon
icon(:blank, 'No icon')     # no icon, text will aligin if icons are stacked


# button

# add url option to make <a> styled as button
button('Home', url: '/')

# a button styled as a link
button('Home', :link)

# give it a type; see BUTTON_TYPES
button('Info', :info)

# give it a size (see BUTTON_SIZES)
button('Small', :small)

# size, type, additional class and additional html attributes
button('Warning', :warning, :large, id: 'warn-id', class: 'more-class', my_key: 'my_value')

Button Groups

<%= button_group do %>
  <%= button("Left", url: "/left") %>
  <%= button("Right", id: 'right') %>
<% end %>

Button Toolbars

<%= button_toolbar do %>
  <%= button('Single Button', url: '/single') %>
  <%= button_group do %>
    <%= button('Group Button 1') %>
    <%= button('Group Button 2') %>
  <% end %>
  <%= button('Another Single') %>
<% end %>

Labels and Badges

Labels (Stamps)

Because label is a Rails helper method we use stamp -- because Elle thinks it looks like a stamp.

Supports the Bootstrap label types:

  • default
  • success
  • warning
  • important
  • info
  • inverse
<%= stamp('Default') %>
<%= stamp('Info', :info) %>
<%= stamp('Warning', :warning, id: 'warn-id', class: 'more-class', my_key: 'my_value') %>


Supports the Bootstrap badge types:

  • default
  • success
  • warning
  • important
  • info
  • inverse
<%= badge('Default') %>
<%= badge('Info', :info) %>
<%= badge('Warning', :warning, id: 'warn-id', class: 'more-class', my_key: 'my_value') %>



<%= accordion do %>

  <%= accordion_group('Section 1', open: true) do %>
    content for group 1
  <% end >

  <%= accordion_group('Section 1') do %>
    content for group 2
  <% end %>

<% end %>

Form Helpers


<%= form_actions do %>
  <%= submit_button_tag %>
  <%= cancel_button_tag(url: '#') %>
<% end %>


Returns similar to #submit_tag() but:

  • styled like a Bootstrap button, type :primary
  • has :disable_with set to "Processing ..."
submit_button_tag   # => <input class="btn btn-primary" data-disable-with="Processing ..." name="commit" type="submit" value="Save changes" />
submit_button_tag('Delete', :danger)
submit_button_tag('Big', :large)
submit_button_tag('With Options', :small, :info, id: 'my-id')


Convenience method for standard "Cancel" button. <a> tag styled as Bootstrap button.

cancel_button_tag(url: '/')  # => <a href="/" class="btn">Cancel</a>
cancel_button_tag('Go Back', url: '/')
cancel_button_tag(:info, url: '/')
cancel_button_tag(:large, url: '/')
cancel_button_tag('Return', :small, :warning, url: '/', id: 'my-id')


Bootstrap Documentation API Documentation

<%= alert('Default Alert') %>
<%= alert('Type :info', :info) %>
<%= alert('Type :success', :success) %>
<%= alert('Type :error', :error) %>

<%= alert('Default alert with heading', heading: 'Warning!') %>
<%= alert('No close button', close: false) %>
<%= alert("Type :block gives some more padding", :block ) %>
<%= alert("Unknown options are html attributes", id: 'my-id', class: 'my-class') %>

<%= alert :success do %>
  <%= alert_heading('A List') %>
<% end %>


API Documentation

# in a layout or view

<%= flash_messages %>
<%= flash_messages close: false %>
<%= flash_messages class: 'flash', id: 'my-flash' %>
# override default mapping (e.g., in initializer)

Bootstrap::FlashHelper.mapping[:notice] = :success
Bootstrap::FlashHelper.mapping[:mistake] = :error

Table Helper

Don't keep repeating the Bootstrap table classes:

# instead of
<table class='table table-bordered table-striped table-hover'>

# do this
<%= bs_table_tag do %>
<% end %>

Customize the classes used (e.g. in an initializer):

# change the default
Bootstrap::TableHelper.class_lists[:default] = 'table table-striped'

# create a custom class list
Bootstrap::TableHelper.class_lists[:admin] = 'admin table table-striped table-compact'

# use the custom list
<%= bs_table_tag(:admin) do %>
<% end %>