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Twitter Bootstrap Components Helper

Provides view helpers for accordion, tabs and modal Twitter Bootstrap components.

In your Gemfile:

gem 'bootstrap-components-helpers'

Accordion helper:

= accordion do |accordion|
  = accordion.pane 'My first pane' do
    = render partial: 'my_first_pane'
  = accordion.pane 'My second pane' do
    = render partial: 'my_second_pane'

accordion method options :

  • :accordion_id : when you want more than one accordion on the same page.
  • :class : to add an additional CSS class to the container DIV.

pane method options :

  • :open : when you want that pane to be open on load.

Tabs helper:

= tabs do |tabs|
  - tabs.pane 'My first pane' do
    = render partial: 'my_first_pane'
  - tabs.pane 'My second pane' do
    = render partial: 'my_second_pane'

tabs method options :

  • :style : tabs or pills (default is tabs).

pane method options :

  • :active : when you want that pane to be active on load.
= modal 'My modal title' do |modal|
  - modal.body do
    Inside the modal

modal method options :

  • :skip_footer : when you don't want a footer at all for your modal.


  • Graham Torn
  • Caleb Adam Haye
  • Darkside73
  • Dave Burt