
Develop rails applications at the speed of thought. Boosted is a collection of tools and utilities that make it easier to develop rails applications.


Install the gem and add to the Rails application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add boosted-rails

Then run the generator to create the configuration file:

$ rails generate boosted:install

The generator will create a file at config/initializers/boosted.rb with the default configuration.


Boosted provides utilities for making it easier to develop rails applications. The utilities are organized into modules and can be used by including the module in the class that needs the utility. The utilities are organized in concepts used by most rails applications:


The Boosted::Controllers module defines five concerns that can be included in a controller to provide additional functionality:


The Filterable concern provides a method to filter the records in a controller's action. The method filterable_by is used to define the filterable fields and the filter method to use.

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include Boosted::Controllers::Filterable

  filterable_by :name, :email, :created_at

  def index
    users = filter(User.all)
    render json: users

The filter method will use the query parameters to filter the records. For example, to filter the users by name, email, and created_at, the following query parameters can be used:

GET /users?name=John
GET /[email protected]
GET /users?created_at=2021-01-01
Referencing tables in the filterable fields

The filterable_by method can also be used to reference fields in associated tables. For example, to filter the users by the name of the company they work for, the following can be done:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include Boosted::Controllers::Filterable

  filterable_by :name, :email, :created_at, ''

  def index
    users = filter(User.joins(:company))
    render json: users

Request examples:

GET /users?name=John
GET /users?
Renaming the filter query parameters

If you don't want to use the field name as the query parameter (as to not expose the database schema, or when joining the same table multiple times), you can specify the query parameter to use for each field:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include Boosted::Controllers::Filterable

  filterable_by '' => :company_name, '' => :user_name

  def index
    users = filter(User.join(:company))
    render json: users

Request examples:

GET /users?user_name=John
GET /users?company_name=Acme
Using filters other than eq

By default, the filter method will use the eq filter method to filter the records. If you want to use a different filter method, you can specify the filter "relation" in the query parameter:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include Boosted::Controllers::Filterable

  filterable_by :name, :age

  def index
    users = filter(User.all)
    render json: users

Request examples:

GET /users?name=John # returns users with name John
GET /users?name[]=John&name[]=Jane # returns users where the name is in ('John', 'Jane')
GET /users?age.rel=is_null # returns users where the age is null
GET /users?age.rel=is_not_null # returns users where the age is not null
GET /users?age.rel=between&age[]=18&age[]=30 # returns users with age between 18 and 30
GET /users?age.rel=%3E%0A&age=18 # returns users with age greater than 18, %3E%0A is url encoded for ">"

The full list of filter relations is:

  • = (default) - equals
  • != - not equals
  • > - greater than
  • >= - greater than or equals
  • < - less than
  • <= - less than or equals
  • between - between (requires two values)
  • in - in (default when multiple values are provided)
  • not_in - not in (requires multiple values)
  • starts_with - starts with
  • ends_with - ends with
  • contains - contains
  • is_null - is null (does not require a value)
  • is_not_null - is not null (does not require a value)


The Searchable concern provides a method to search the records in a controller's action.

By default it calls the scope search on the model, and uses the query parameter q to search the records.

# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
  # You can define your own search scope and use standard sql
  # scope :search, ->(query) { where('name LIKE ?', "%#{query}%") }

  # Or use pg_search
  include PgSearch::Model
  pg_search_scope :search, against: [:name, :email]

# app/controllers/users_controller.rb
class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include Boosted::Controllers::Searchable

  def index
    users = search(User.all)
    render json: users

Request examples:

GET /users?q=John
# calls #search(User.all, search_term: 'John', model_search_scope: :search) in the controller
Customizing the search query parameter

You can customize the default query parameter by:

  1. Passing fetching the fetch term from the params hash, and passing it directly to the search method:
class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include Boosted::Controllers::Searchable

  def index
    # This will use the query parameter `term` instead of `q`
    users = search(User.all, search_term: params[:term])
    render json: users
  1. Overriding the search_param method in the controller
class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include Boosted::Controllers::Searchable

  def index
    # This will use the query parameter `term` instead of `q`
    users = search(User.all)
    render json: users


  def search_param
  1. Calling #searchable_by in the controller and overriding the default query parameter
# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
  include PgSearch::Model
  pg_search_scope :search_by_word, against: :name, using: { tsearch: { any_word: true } }

# app/controllers/users_controller.rb
class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include Boosted::Controllers::Searchable

  # This will use the query parameter `term` instead of `q`
  # and the search scope `search_by_word` instead of the default
  searchable_by :search_by_word, param: :term

  def index
    users = search(User.all)
    render json: users


The Sortable concern provides a method to sort the records in a controller's action.

The method sortable_by is used to define the sortable fields.

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include Boosted::Controllers::Sortable

  sortable_by :name, :created_at

  def index
    users = sort(User.all)
    render json: users

This will use the query parameter sort_key and sort_direction to sort the records.

  • The default sort direction is desc.
  • The default sort key is :id.

Example requests:

GET /users?sort_key=name # sort by name in descending order
GET /users?sort_key=created_at&sort_direction=asc # sort by created_at in ascending order

When calling sort in a controller action, and the sort parameters are not provided, the default sort key and direction will be used.

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include Boosted::Controllers::Sortable

  sortable_by :name, :created_at

  def index
    users = sort(User.all)
    render json: users

Request examples:

GET /users # sort by id in descending order
Referencing tables in the sortable fields

Like the filterable_by method, the sortable_by method can also be used to reference fields in associated tables.

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include Boosted::Controllers::Sortable

  sortable_by :name, ''

  def index
    users = sort(User.joins(:company))
    render json: users

Request examples:

GET /users?sort_key=name # sort by name in descending order
GET /users? # sort by company name in ascending order
Renaming the sort query parameters

If you don't want to use the field name as the query parameter (as to not expose the database schema, or when joining the same table multiple times), you can specify the query parameter to use for each field:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include Boosted::Controllers::Sortable

  sortable_by '' => :company_name, '' => :user_name

  def index
    users = sort(User.join(:company))
    render json: users

Request examples:

GET /users?sort_key=user_name # sort by name in descending order
GET /users?sort_key=company_name&sort_direction=asc # sort by company name in ascending order


The Pageable concern provides a method to paginate the records in a controller's action.

The method paginate is used to paginate the records. It will use the query parameters page and per_page to paginate the records.

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include Boosted::Controllers::Pageable

  def index
    users = paginate(User.all)
    render json: users, meta: page_info

Request examples:

GET /users?page=1&per_page=10 # returns the first page of users with 10 records per page
GET /users?per_page=25 # returns the first page of users with 25 records per page
GET /users?page=2&per_page=25 # returns the second page of users with 25 records per page
Accessing the pagination information

The page_info method can be used to access the pagination information.

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include Boosted::Controllers::Pageable

  def index
    users = paginate(User.all)
    render json: users, meta: page_info

page_info returns a hash with

  • page - the current page
  • per_page - the number of records per page
  • total_pages - the total number of pages
  • total_count - the number of records in the scope
  • next-page - the next page number
  • prev-page - the previous page number
Customizing the pagination behavior

By default, the paginate method will paginate the scope in pages of size 10, and will return the first page if the page query parameter is not provided.

Additionally, there's a limit of 100 records per page. So, if the per_page query parameter is greater than 100, the pagination will use 100 as the page size.

You can customize the default page size and the default page number by overriding the default_per_page value in the controller.

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include Boosted::Controllers::Pageable

  # This will set the default page size to 25 when the `per_page` query parameter is not provided
  self.default_per_page = 25

  def index
    users = paginate(User.all)
    render json: users, meta: page_info


The Tabulatable concern provides a method to filter, sort, search, and paginate the records in a controller's action.

The method tabulate is used to filter, sort, search, and paginate the records. So, in the case that the controller action needs to filter, sort, search, and paginate the records, the tabulate method can be used.

The tabulatable concern provides the tabulatable_by method, which passes the values to filterable_by and sortable_by.

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include Boosted::Controllers::Tabulatable

  tabulatable_by :name, :email, :created_at

  def index
    users = tabulate(User.all)
    render json: users, meta: page_info

Request examples:

GET /users?age[]=18&age[]=30&age.rel=between&sort_key=name&sort_direction=asc&q=John&page=2&per_page=10
# returns the second page of users with 10 records per page, where the age is between 18 and 30, sorted by name in ascending order, and searched by the term John

Just like paginate, when calling the tabulate method in the controller action, the page_info method can be used to access the pagination information.


The gem provides a Boosted::Service::Base class that can be used to create services in a rails application.

class PrintService < Boosted::Service::Base
  def call
    puts 'Hello, world!'

The call method is the entry point for the service. It can be overridden to provide the service's functionality.

class PrintService < Boosted::Service::Base
  def call
    puts "Hello, #{name}!"


  def name

The way of calling the service is by calling the call method on the service class. The .call method is a class method that creates a new instance of the service, passing the arguments to the initialize method, and then calls the call method on the new instance. # Executes

If you want to pass arguments to the service, you can so by defining the initialize method in the service class.

class PrintService < Boosted::Service::Base
  def initialize(name = 'John')
    @name = name

  def call
    puts "Hello, #{@name}!"
end # Executes, prints "Hello, John!"'world') # Executes new('world').call, prints "Hello, world!"
Using services as job classes in the background

The Boosted::Service::Base class provides a class method .enable_job! that can be used to enable the service to be used as a job class.

class PrintService < Boosted::Service::Base

  def call
    puts 'Hello, world!'

The enable_job! method will define a PrintService::Job class that inherits from Boosted::Jobs::Base and calls the call method on the service instance.

PrintService.call_later # Executes PrintService::Job.perform_later
PrintService::Job.perform_later # Executes in the background

call_later and perform_later will pass the arguments to the initialize method of the service class, and then call the call method on the new instance.

PrintService.call_later('world') # Executes PrintService::Job.perform_later('world')
PrintService::Job.perform_later('world') # Executes'world').call in the background


The gem provides a Boosted::Jobs::Base class that can be used to create background jobs in a rails application.

class PrintJob < Boosted::Jobs::Base
  def perform
    puts 'Hello, world!'

Boosted::Jobs::Base is a subclass of ActiveJob::Base, and can be used as a regular ActiveJob job.

The superclass can be overriden to inherit from a different job class, by changing it in the config/initializers/boosted.rb file.

# config/initializers/boosted.rb
Boosted.configure do |config|
  config.job_superclass = 'ApplicationJob'


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Boosted project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.