The gem trace the datetime of the last time a boolean field has been saved with e true value.


gem "boolean-datepicker"


Use the macro boolean_datepicker_on to define the boolean column you want to trace

boolean_datepicker_on :my_boolean_field

By default the datetime column required will "date_my_field_date". You can use a custom date column name passing a secon array elemnt like:

boolean_datepicker_on :my_boolean_field, [:another_boolean, :custom_date_field]

Anytime the boolena field is setted to true (and is modified from a precedent different value) the date column field is filled with the value. Anyother value passed ot the boolean field rest the date filed to nil. Gem uses the before_save callbacks

Rspec matcher

it {should have_boolean_datepicker_on(:my_field)}