Class: Bolt::Config::Transport::Orch

  • Object
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Constant Summary collapse


NOTE: All transport configuration options should have a corresponding schema definition

in schemas/bolt-transport-definitions.json
  "cacert"            => { type: String,
                           desc: "The path to the CA certificate." },
  "host"              => { type: String,
                           desc: "Host name." },
  "job-poll-interval" => { type: Integer,
                           desc: "Set interval to poll orchestrator for job status." },
  "job-poll-timeout"  => { type: Integer,
                           desc: "Set time to wait for orchestrator job status." },
  "service-url"       => { type: String,
                           desc: "The URL of the orchestrator API." },
  "task-environment"  => { type: String,
                           desc: "The environment the orchestrator loads task code from." },
  "token-file"        => { type: String,
                           desc: "The path to the token file." }
  "task-environment" => "production"

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Base


Method Summary

Methods inherited from Base

#[], #dig, #fetch, #include?, #initialize, #merge, options, #resolve, #resolved?, #to_h

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Bolt::Config::Transport::Base