
  • Support for redis-rb 3.0, no backwards compatibility is maintained
  • Ruby 2.0 is now officially supported, 1.9.3, and 1.8.7 are still supported
  • Removed Tracker#uhit_count in favour of Tracker#count(..., unique: true)
  • Renamed Utils#object_as_session_identifier to Utils#object_as_uid
  • Renamed Tracker#hit_count to Tracker#count
  • Renamed Utils#uniquenesses_as_session_identifier to Utils#uniquenesses_as_uid
  • Changed Utils#uniquenesses_as_uid to splat arguments, this allows for uses like Tracker.hit(:thing, unique: current_user) instead of Tracker.hit(:thing, unique: [current_user])
  • Removed Tracker#hit_count_for_session_id in favour of Tracker#count(..., unique: unique_object)


  • Hit can now accept a custom increment, this allows values such as cents to be tracked (Justin Giancola)
  • Unique qualities are now passed in as a member in an options hash for Tracker#hit, this deprecates the unique qualities argument and allows for other options such as :increment to be passed as well (Justin Giancola)


  • Support for Ruby 1.8.7 (Justin Giancola)


  • Initial public release