
This Rails Engine provides the easiest way to handle OAuth authentication mechanism with BlueVia API in a Rails application.

If you want to use any other BlueVia API, please go to Bluevia portal SDKs sections and check for the latest available gem.


After creating a Rails 3 application…

  • Use Gemfile as usual to define the bluevia_engine dependency

    gem 'bluevia_engine'
  • Run the generator to copy the configuration file template into your rails application initializers folder

    rails generate bluevia_engine:install
  • Get information about the new routes created using the specific rails command:

    rake routes

How to use


  • Define your BlueVia application credentials in the file config/initializers/bluevia_engine_initializer.rb

    # Application unique identifier. Actually its not needed at all
    Rails.application.config.bluevia.application_id = "your-bluevia-application-id"
    # Application key. This is the first element to authenticate an application    
    Rails.application.config.bluevia.key = "your-bluevia-application-key"
    # Application secret. This is the second element to authenticate an application    
    Rails.application.config.bluevia.secret = "your-bluevia-application-secret"
  • Define the controller#action where you would like to receive the OAuth response data. You’ll get two parameters: token and token_secret that you should handle accordingly.

    # Where to forward the OAuth response data
    # By default is configured an action include in the Engine that prints the token and secret got from BlueVia
    Rails.application.config.bluevia.forward_action = "bluevia#show"

Launch OAuth process

  • Create a link in one of your views to the path that launches the BlueVia OAuth process:

    <%=link_to t("launch_bluevia_oauth"), bluevia_index_path%>


Check the License file.


  • Juan de Bravo (jdbd at tid dot es)