Shubbl - Blog::Gem

Blog Tool for the Shubbl Homepage



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'blog-gem'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install blog-gem


Install the migration to create the data table:

For Acts as taggable on

rake acts_as_taggable_on_engine:install:migrations
rake blog_gem:install:migrations
rake db:migrate

Into your routes.rb

  mount Blog::Gem::Engine => "/blog", :as => :blogs

Into your style.sass

@import blog

Into your application.js

//= require blog

Into rails c

Blog::Gem::Author.create_admin(name: "", password: "", email: "")

Add to your Meta Tag View

<%= yield :meta %>

You can use the globel variabel outside of the blog#show

@page_title: title
@description: teaser
@keywords: tag_list (join with ',' )
@image: thumbnail_url


Create config/initializers/blog.rb, yout can modify:

Blog::Gem.setup do |config|
  config.categories = {
    "name of the categorie" => id,
    "shubbl" => 0,
    "tipps" => 1,
    "story" => 2,
    "porträt" => 3,
    "dating" => 4,
    "lifestyle" => 5,
    "kolumne" => 6,
    "spotlight" => 7,
  config.url = "" # In development: http://localhost:3000
  config.archive_count = 13
  config.home_posts_count = 6
  config.tags_count = 24
  config.widget_posts_count = 8
  config.path = "/blog"
  config.image_path = "/uploads"
  config.title_enable = true
  config.per_page = 5


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.