blockscore-ruby Circle CI Test Coverage Dependency Status

This is the official library for Ruby clients of the BlockScore API. Click here to read the full documentation including code examples.



gem install blockscore

If you are using Rails, add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'blockscore', '~> 4.1.0'

Getting Started

To get started, you can initialize the library with one line:

BlockScore.api_key = 'your-api-key'

To verify a person:

person = BlockScore::Person.create(
  birth_day: '23',
  birth_month: '8',
  birth_year: '1980',
  document_type: 'ssn',
  document_value: '0000',
  name_first: 'John',
  name_middle: 'Pearce',
  name_last: 'Doe',
  address_street1: '1 Infinite Loop',
  address_street2: 'Apt 6',
  address_city: 'Cupertino',
  address_state: 'CA',
  address_postal_code: '95014',
  address_country_code: 'US'

# Check the validation status of the Person
# => 'valid'

# Or view some of the other attributes
# => 'mismatch'

To see the list of calls you can make, please visit our full Ruby API reference.


The test suite uses a public BlockScore API key that was created specifically to ease the testing and contribution processes. Please do not enter personal details for tests. In order to run the test suite:

$ rake test