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Bldr is a minimalist templating library that provides a simple DSL for generating json documents from ruby objects. It currently supports Sinatra out of the box -- Rails 3 support is planned for the near future.

If you would like to contribute, pull requests with specs are warmly accepted :)


If you're building an API, Model#to_json just doesn't cut it. Besides the JSON representation of your models arguably being a presentation concern, trying to cram all of this logic into an #as_json method quickly turns into pure chaos.

There are other json templating libraries available -- rabl being the most popular -- but I wasn't satisfied with any of the DSL's, so I created Bldr.


  • Simple json templating DSL
  • Uses Tilt's built-in rendering and template caching for better performance
  • Partials


There are two ways to use Bldr in your Sinatra app, depending on whether you are using Sinatra's classic or module application style:

# Method 1: Classic style

require 'sinatra/bldr'

get '/hello' do
  bldr :hello

# Method 2: Modular style

require 'sinatra/bldr'

class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
  register Sinatra::Bldr


See the Documentation & Examples page on the wiki.

Editor Syntax Support

To get proper syntax highlighting in vim, add this line to your .vimrc:

au BufRead,BufNewFile *.bldr set filetype=ruby


  • Rails 3 support. An attempt for this was made for this but was reverted in e1cfd7fcbe130b316d95773d8c73ece4e247200e. Feel free to take a shot.
  • Replace current_object with a block param for collection methods
  • XML support


  • RABL - Inspiration
  • Tilt - Mega awesome templating goodness


  • Ian Hunter (@ihunter)
  • Justin Smestad (@jsmestad)

Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Alex Sharp. See the MIT-LICENSE file for full copyright information.