Bizarroids Slider

Bizarroids Slider provides user managable collections of images Rails application. This is a part of The Bizarroids.


Add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'bizarroids_slider'

Run the following command to install it:

bundle install

Run the generator:

rails generate bizarroids:slider:install


Edit config/initialisers/bizarroids_slider.rb. You can create collections using folowing syntax:

config.collections :key, some: :options

Avaliable options are:

  • slide_attributes: [:name, :description, :media, :link] - (default) you can add columns in migration to use them in this case. Pleas do not remove default columns from database to avoid errors.

  • slide_require_attributes: [:name, :media] (default) - make attribute required (only default attributes can be marked as required)

  • versions: { main: {}, thumb: {} } - config of carrierwave image versions. (See corresponging carrierwave documentation)

Some aditional options can be found in application in config/initialisers/bizarroids_slider.rb


Link to admin panel


If you use cancancan place in your ability.rb somthing like

can :manage, Bizarroids::Slider::Option

if don’t, place in config/initialisers/bizarroids_slider.rb

config.use_cancancan = false

To get collection for :key


Slider provides several helpers

bizarroids_slider_slides key - returns collection of slides bizarroids_slider_each_slide key - accepts block to iterate

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.