Bitmessage API Ruby Wrapper

Thin API wrapper for the official BitMessage Python client. This gem is based on the original library created by robzon.


Running Bitmessage client with API enabled.


require 'bitmessage'

api = 'http://user:password@host:port/'

api.add 3, 5

Getting a list of messages

inbox = api.get_all_inbox_messages

puts "You have #{inbox.count} messages:"

inbox.each do |msg|
  puts "#{msg.msgid}  #{msg.from}  #{msg.subject}"

Sending a message

to = "BM-orkCbppXWSqPpAxnz6jnfTZ2djb5pJKDb" # echo service
from = api.list_addresses.first.address

api.send_message to, from, "This is subject", "This is message"

Running the tests

For tests to to pass it is necessary to set the BM_URI environment
variable.  For example:

BM_URI=http://user:password@host:port/ rake test


Q: Does this cover 100% of the API?

A: Not yet.