
Quick and simple helpers for Joel Moss’ bitmask_attributes gem. These helpers include frequently used checkers, setters, getters, and scopes pertaining to the bitmasks.

## Installation ##

The best way to install is with RubyGems:

$ [sudo] gem install bitmask_attributes_helpers

Or better still, just add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'bitmask_attributes_helpers'

## Examples/Usage ##

There are four class methods we use to install the requisite helpers: ‘bitmask_presence_methods`, `bitmask_scopes`, `bitmask_virtual_attributes`, and `bitmask_helpers`. Each takes the name of the bitmask as an argument.


class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
  bitmask :colors, as: [:red, :blue, :green]

  bitmask_presence_methods :colors
  # Enables value checkers, i.e.
  # => true if model has the red bitmask attribute set

  bitmask_scopes :colors
  # Enables scopes to search Model by bitmask values, i.e.
  # => all models which have the red bit set to true
  # Model.not_red => all models which have the red bit set to false

  bitmask_virtual_attributes :colors
  # Creates a virtual attribute on the model for each value of the bitmask,
  # = true => sets the red bitmask to true
  # => true, as we've sets the bitmask to true

  bitmask_helpers :colors
  # This is a macro to enable all of the above for a specific bitmask



  1. Fork it.

  2. Create a branch (‘git checkout -b new-feature`)

  3. Make your changes

  4. Run the tests (‘bundle install` then `bundle exec rake`)

  5. Commit your changes (‘git commit -am “Created new feature”`)

  6. Push to the branch (‘git push origin new-feature`)

  7. Create a pull request from your branch.

  8. Promote it. Get others to drop in and +1 it.


Joel Moss deserves all the credit for his wonderful bitmask_attributes gem

Copyright © 2013 Ryan Chan