Development guide

Here are notes on less obvious aspects of the development process for this library.

Gem build / tagging / release

This now uses rubygems-tasks for building and releasing gems.

We build two gem platform variants: a 'default' one for MRI with no platform set, and a JRuby one with platform = 'java'. These get built as bio-maf-X.Y.Z.gem and bio-maf-X.Y.Z-java.gem. At least for now, this is done by running gem release separately under JRuby and MRI. SCM tagging and pushing is done under MRI only, but the gems will be built and pushed to separately under each platform.

The version is simply set by hand in bio-maf.gemspec. Don't forget to increment it!

Testing the build:

$ rake build
$ rake install


$ rvm use 1.9.3@bioruby-maf
$ rake release
$ rvm use jruby-
$ rake release


Running bio-maf on JRuby requires the kyotocabinet-java gem, a wrapper around the Kyoto Cabinet Java interface providing a Ruby API compatible with the standard Kyoto Cabinet Ruby API.

Man pages

Man pages are developed with ronn and live in man/; see maf_index.1.ronn for an example. The generated man pages, e.g. maf_index.1, are added to Git for gem-man support.

HTML and roff versions are built with:

$ rake man

The HTML versions are published through Octopress to Github Pages, e.g. This is a separate step, and necessarily dependent on the local filesystem layout. Specifically, there must be an octopress directory at the same level as bioruby-maf, containing a checked-out copy of Then, to publish the man pages, run:

$ rake man:publish

After this, in that Octopress instance, run:

$ rake deploy