
Manage VM with LXC and AUFS.

bignou is a thin layer around lxc that make it easy to create new virtual machines from an existing template. The new virtual machine use AUFS as its root file system over the template virtual machine.


Usage: bignou [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]

Available commands:
  config  Configure virtual machine [name]
  create  Create virtual machine [name] from -b [base]
  help    Displays help for a command
  list    List all virtual machines
  start   Start virtual machine [name]
  stop    Stop virtual machine [name]

  -h, --help  Displays this help message

create and configure

bignou create my_new_machine -b my_base_machine


bignou config my_new_machine

start virtual machine

bignou start my_new_machine

stop virtual machine

bignou stop my_new_machine

list all virtual machines

bignou list