Beginner.Codes Ruby Gem

This is the un-official Ruby Gem for the Beginner.Codes Discord server.

Running Challenge Tests

  • Install the package: gem install
  • Import the test runner: require 'challenges'
  • Run the tests, passing in the challenge number and your solution function: test(458, :n_differences) for a function or test(458, n_differences) for a lambda function
  • For informatino only you can pass either description: true or examples: true ```ruby require 'challenges'

def n_differences(nums) nil end # Your code goes here!!!

test(458, :n_differences)

OR You can use a Lambda Proc

n_differences = -> (x) x*2

test(458, n_differences)

This will handle downloading the necessary challenge test cases and will run them against your code. It will show you which tests failed, what went wrong, and how many tests succeeded.

Additionally, you can view the description and examples when running the tests by adding some options to the test function
test(458, :n_differences, description: true, examples: true)