beerdb gem - open beer database (beer.db) command line tool

Usage Command Line

  beer.db command line tool, version 0.5.0

    create               Create DB schema
    help                 Display global or [command] help documentation.
    load                 Load fixtures
    logs                 Show logs
    props                Show props
    serve                Start web service (HTTP JSON API)
    stats                Show stats
    test                 Debug/test command suite

  Global Options:
    -i, --include PATH   Data path (default is .)
    -d, --dbpath PATH    Database path (default is .)
    -n, --dbname NAME    Database name (datault is beer.db)
    -q, --quiet          Only show warnings, errors and fatal messages
    -w, --verbose        Show debug messages
    -h, --help           Display help documentation
    -v, --version        Display version information
    -t, --trace          Display backtrace when an error occurs


Just install the gem:

$ gem install beerdb


The beerdb scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Send them along to the Open Beer & Brewery Database Forum/Mailing List. Thanks!