# Cms::Settings for BrowserCMS projects

Cms::Settings provides an interface for storing and retrieving arbitrary key value pairs and can be used as a persistent global configuration store.

Cms::Settings stores key value pairs in attributes of ActiveRecord objects. These objects, however, are not designed to be used directly. Rather, this module provides an interface for easy access to the storage objects.

For all installed bcms modules loaded as gems as defined by the BrowserCMS’ module instalation process, this module can create a namespaced key value store automatically.

## Installation

The Settings module installs like most other BrowserCMS modules (guides.browsercms.org/installing_modules.html) except that it does not define any new routes and requires one additional step.

gem install bcms_settings

## Set up your application to use the module

### 1. Edit config/environment.rb

config.gem "browsercms"
config.gem "bcms_settings"

### 2. Run the following commands

script/generate browser_cms
rake db:migrate

### 3. Add the following line to the browsercms.rb initializer


## Usage

### Cms::Settings.syncronize

Calling this method in an initializer will keep your installed modules (as declared on environment.rb) in sync with the Settings module.

If a BrowserCMS project declares the following gem dependencies in environment.rb:


client code can access the following objects automatically:

=> #<Cms::Settings: bcms_s3 => {}>

=> #<Cms::Settings: bcms_seo_sitemap => {}>

if you uninstall bcms_xyz (by removing it from environment.rb) the corresponding settings oject will be destroyed for you.

To know which bcms_modules the Settings module knows about:

Cms::Settings.modules => ['bcms_s3', 'bcms_seo_sitemap']

### Storing, retrieving and deleting values

To store values in these objects just call arbitrary methods (which will become keys) and assign values. It is possile to store scalar values, arrays and hashes. Values ar persisted automatically.

Cms::Settings.bcms_s3. = "ACCOUNT_ID"
Cms::Settings.bcms_s3.buckets = %w[bucket1 bucket2]

After adding these two values, the object looks like this:

=> #<Cms::Settings: bcms_s3 => {"account_id"=>"ACCOUNT_ID", "buckets"=>["bucket1", "bucket2"]}>

To retrieve values:


=> "bucket1"

To update keys, just assign new values:

Cms::Settings.bcms_s3.account_id = "NEW_ID"
=> "NEW_ID"

To delete values, call the delete method on the settings object:

=> #<Cms::Settings: bcms_s3 => {"account_id"=>"NEW_ID"}

Keys can have almost any name, except for these:

“inspect”, “__send__”, “delete”, “instance_eval”, “__metaclass__”, “method_missing”

### Registering and deleting modules

It is also possible to register and delete modules manually in addition to or as an alternative to caling Settings.synchronize.

To register modules:


then you can store, retrieve and delete arbitrary values:

config = Cms::Settings.bcms_my_module
config.client = "Widgets INC"
config.url = "http://example.com"
config.sections = %w[A B C]

=> "http://example.com


=> nil

In reality, ‘registering a module’ only creates an object where to store values, so you can request sorage to the Settings module for whatever porpose you like, povinding that:

1. The name you are trying to register is a valid BrowserCMS module
name and a valid Ruby method identifier, so this is valid:


but this is not:

    Cms::Settings.register("My Config")

2. The name you are trying to register has not been registered
previously. Names passed to the register method must be unique.

To delete modules:

Cms::Settings.delete("bcms_my_config") #all values will be lost

Cms::Settings.bcms_by_config #Raises an exception
=> ModuleNotRegistered

## Module development

If you are developing a BrowserCMS module and want to use the Settings API you’ll need to include something like this in an initializer while on development:

unless Cms::Settings.modules.include?('bcms_my_module')