Bastet - The unstable beast

Goddess associated with war, protection of Lower Egypt and the pharaoh, the sun, perfumes, ointments and embalming


redis =
$bastet = Bastet.setup(redis)


$bastet.activate(:crazy_feature, current_user)
$, current_user) #=> true

$, :admins) #=> false
$bastet.activate(:scary_feature, :admins)
$, :admins) #=> true

To do

  1. Support activating/deactivating all features for groups/users
  2. Support activating/deactivating for multiple users/groups at once
  3. Percentage support
  4. Logging


Build Status

  1. Fork Basteet
  2. Create a topic branch - git checkout -b my_branch
  3. Push to your branch - git push origin my_branch
  4. Create a pull request from your branch