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For Version: 0.1.3

This package contains base32, a Ruby extension for encoding and decoding in base32 per RFC 3548.


The latest version of base32 can be found at


Normal Installation

You can install base32 with the following command from the distribution directory.

% rake install

Gem Installation

Download and install base32 with the following command.

% gem install --remote base32

Running the Test Suite

If you want to run the automated tests for base32, issue this command from the distribution directory.

% rake test:all


Simple Example

require "base32"

encoded = Base32.encode("chunky bacon!")  #==> "MNUHK3TLPEQGEYLDN5XCC==="
decoded = Base32.decode(encoded)          #==> "chunky bacon!"

puts %Q{"#{decoded}" is "#{encoded}" in base32}