Base32 Encoding / Decoding - 5-Bit Notations / Alphabets - Kai / Crockford / Electrologica

Encode / decode numbers in 5-bit groups (2^5=32) with Kai, Crockford or Electrologica notation / alphabet



The kai notation / alphabet (123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwx)

Note: Following base56 - the digit-0 and the letter-l are NOT used in the kai alphabet / notation.

Kai (Base32) Notation

Kai Binary Num Kai Binary Num Kai Binary Num Kai Binary Num
1 00000 00 9 01000 08 h 10000 16 q 11000 24
2 00001 01 a 01001 09 i 10001 17 r 11001 25
3 00010 02 b 01010 10 j 10010 18 s 11010 26
4 00011 03 c 01011 11 k 10011 19 t 11011 27
5 00100 04 d 01100 12 m 10100 20 u 11100 28
6 00101 05 e 01101 13 n 10101 21 v 11101 29
7 00110 06 f 01110 14 o 10110 22 w 11110 30
8 00111 07 g 01111 15 p 10111 23 x 11111 31

Note: The digit-0 and the letter-l are NOT used in kai.

Usage - Encode / Decode

require 'base32-alphabets'

binary = 0b0000000000000000010010100101001010010011000111001110010000001000010111000001010010111101110011100000000101001010000000110001100010000100011010100000110010000000100011000110000000101001010010100110001100010100101000110100101000010010100101011011100111001110  # binary
hex    = 0x00004a52931ce4085c14bdce014a0318846a0c808c60294a6314a34a1295b9ce   # hex

pp binary == hex
# => true

str    = "aaaa 7885 22f2 agff 1661 7755 e979 2441 6667 7664 a9aa cfff".gsub( ' ', '' )

str2 = Kai.encode( hex )   ## (binary) number to text
pp str
# => "aaaa788522f2agff16617755e979244166677664a9aacfff"
pp str2
# => "aaaa788522f2agff16617755e979244166677664a9aacfff"
pp str == str2
# => true
pp Kai.fmt( str2 )
# => "aaaa 7885 22f2 agff 1661 7755 e979 2441 6667 7664 a9aa cfff"
pp Kai.fmt( hex )   # all-in-one "shortcut" for Kai.fmt( Kai.encode( hex ))
# => "aaaa 7885 22f2 agff 1661 7755 e979 2441 6667 7664 a9aa cfff"

hex2 = Kai.decode( str2 )   ## text to (binary) number
pp hex
# => 512955438081049600613224346938352058409509756310147795204209859701881294
pp hex2
# => 512955438081049600613224346938352058409509756310147795204209859701881294
pp hex == hex2
# => true

pp = Kai.bytes( hex )
# => [9,9,9,9,6,7,7,4,1,1,14,1,9,15,14,14,0,5,5,0,6,6,4,4,13,8,6,8,1,3,3,0,5,5,5,6,6,5,5,3,9,8,9,9,11,14,14,14]
pp = Kai.bytes( str )  # or from a kai string (auto-decodes to hex first)
# => [9,9,9,9,6,7,7,4,1,1,14,1,9,15,14,14,0,5,5,0,6,6,4,4,13,8,6,8,1,3,3,0,5,5,5,6,6,5,5,3,9,8,9,9,11,14,14,14]


Base32.format = :kai

str = Base32.encode( hex )   ## (binary) number to text
pp str
# => "aaaa788522f2agff16617755e979244166677664a9aacfff"
pp Base32.fmt( str )
# => "aaaa 7885 22f2 agff 1661 7755 e979 2441 6667 7664 a9aa cfff"
pp Base32.fmt( hex )  # all-in-one "shortcut" for Base32.fmt( Base32.encode( hex ))
# => "aaaa 7885 22f2 agff 1661 7755 e979 2441 6667 7664 a9aa cfff"
pp = Base32.decode( str )   ## text to (binary) number
# => 512955438081049600613224346938352058409509756310147795204209859701881294
pp = Base32.bytes( hex )
# => [9,9,9,9,6,7,7,4,1,1,14,1,9,15,14,14,0,5,5,0,6,6,4,4,13,8,6,8,1,3,3,0,5,5,5,6,6,5,5,3,9,8,9,9,11,14,14,14]
pp = Base32.bytes( str )  # or from a kai string (auto-decodes to hex first)
# => [9,9,9,9,6,7,7,4,1,1,14,1,9,15,14,14,0,5,5,0,6,6,4,4,13,8,6,8,1,3,3,0,5,5,5,6,6,5,5,3,9,8,9,9,11,14,14,14]

Why Kai?

The Kai notation / alphabet is named in honor of Kai Turner who first deciphered the CryptoKitties 256-bit genes in 5-bit groups - thanks! See The CryptoKitties Genome Project: On Dominance, Inheritance and Mutation, January 2018.


The crockford notation / alphabet (0123456789abcdefghjkmnpqrstvwxyz)

Note: The Crockford Base32 symbol set is a superset of the Base16 (hexadecimal) symbol set and starts counting at zero (0).

Crockford (Base32) Notation

Base32 Binary Num Base32 Binary Num Base32 Binary Num Base32 Binary Num
0 00000 00 8 01000 08 g 10000 16 r 11000 24
1 00001 01 9 01001 09 h 10001 17 s 11001 25
2 00010 02 a 01010 10 j 10010 18 t 11010 26
3 00011 03 b 01011 11 k 10011 19 v 11011 27
4 00100 04 c 01100 12 m 10100 20 w 11100 28
5 00101 05 d 01101 13 n 10101 21 x 11101 29
6 00110 06 e 01110 14 p 10110 22 y 11110 30
7 00111 07 f 01111 15 q 10111 23 z 11111 31

Note: 4 of the 26 letters are excluded: I L O U.

  • I Can be confused with 1
  • L Can be confused with 1
  • O Can be confused with 0
  • U Accidental obscenity

Usage - Encode / Decode

require 'base32-alphabets'

binary = 0b0000000000000000010010100101001010010011000111001110010000001000010111000001010010111101110011100000000101001010000000110001100010000100011010100000110010000000100011000110000000101001010010100110001100010100101000110100101000010010100101011011100111001110  # binary
hex    = 0x00004a52931ce4085c14bdce014a0318846a0c808c60294a6314a34a1295b9ce   # hex

pp binary == hex
# => true

str = "9999 6774 11e1 9fee 0550 6644 d868 1330 5556 6553 9899 beee".gsub( ' ', '' )

str2 = Crockford.encode( hex )   ## (binary) number to text
pp str2
# => "9999677411e19fee05506644d8681330555665539899beee"
pp str == str2
# => true
pp Crockford.fmt( str2 )
# => "9999 6774 11e1 9fee 0550 6644 d868 1330 5556 6553 9899 beee"

hex2 = Crockford.decode( str2 )   ## text to (binary) number
pp hex
# => 512955438081049600613224346938352058409509756310147795204209859701881294
pp hex2
# => 512955438081049600613224346938352058409509756310147795204209859701881294
pp hex == hex2
# => true


Base32.format = :crockford

str = Base32.encode( hex )   ## (binary) number to text
pp str
# => "9999677411e19fee05506644d8681330555665539899beee"
pp Base32.fmt( str )
# => "9999 6774 11e1 9fee 0550 6644 d868 1330 5556 6553 9899 beee"
pp = Base32.decode( str )   ## text to (binary) number
# => 512955438081049600613224346938352058409509756310147795204209859701881294


The electrologica notation / alphabet ( 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31)

Electrologica (Base32) Notation

Base32 Binary Num Base32 Binary Num Base32 Binary Num Base32 Binary Num
00 00000 00 08 01000 08 16 10000 16 24 11000 24
01 00001 01 09 01001 09 17 10001 17 25 11001 25
02 00010 02 10 01010 10 18 10010 18 26 11010 26
03 00011 03 11 01011 11 19 10011 19 27 11011 27
04 00100 04 12 01100 12 20 10100 20 28 11100 28
05 00101 05 13 01101 13 21 10101 21 29 11101 29
06 00110 06 14 01110 14 22 10110 22 30 11110 30
07 00111 07 15 01111 15 23 10111 23 31 11111 31

Usage - Encode / Decode

require 'base32-alphabets'

binary = 0b0000000000000000010010100101001010010011000111001110010000001000010111000001010010111101110011100000000101001010000000110001100010000100011010100000110010000000100011000110000000101001010010100110001100010100101000110100101000010010100101011011100111001110  # binary
hex    = 0x00004a52931ce4085c14bdce014a0318846a0c808c60294a6314a34a1295b9ce   # hex

pp binary == hex
# => true

str = "09-09-09-09 06-07-07-04 01-01-14-01 09-15-14-14 00-05-05-00 06-06-04-04 13-08-06-08 01-03-03-00 05-05-05-06 06-05-05-03 09-08-09-09 11-14-14-14".gsub( ' ', '-' )

str2 = Electrologica.encode( hex )   ## (binary) number to text
pp str2
# => "09-09-09-09-06-07-07-04-01-01-14-01-09-15-14-14-00-05-05-00-06-06-04-04-13-08-06-08-01-03-03-00-05-05-05-06-06-05-05-03-09-08-09-09-11-14-14-14"
pp str == str2
# => true
pp Electrologica.fmt( str2 )
# => "09-09-09-09 06-07-07-04 01-01-14-01 09-15-14-14 00-05-05-00 06-06-04-04 13-08-06-08 01-03-03-00 05-05-05-06 06-05-05-03 09-08-09-09 11-14-14-14"

hex2 = Electrologica.decode( str2 )   ## text to (binary) number
pp hex
# => 512955438081049600613224346938352058409509756310147795204209859701881294
pp hex2
# => 512955438081049600613224346938352058409509756310147795204209859701881294
pp hex == hex2
# => true


Base32.format = :electrologica

str = Base32.encode( hex )   ## (binary) number to text
pp str
# => "09-09-09-09-06-07-07-04-01-01-14-01-09-15-14-14-00-05-05-00-06-06-04-04-13-08-06-08-01-03-03-00-05-05-05-06-06-05-05-03-09-08-09-09-11-14-14-14"
pp Base32.fmt( str )
# => "09-09-09-09 06-07-07-04 01-01-14-01 09-15-14-14 00-05-05-00 06-06-04-04 13-08-06-08 01-03-03-00 05-05-05-06 06-05-05-03 09-08-09-09 11-14-14-14"
pp = Base32.decode( str )   ## text to (binary) number
# => 512955438081049600613224346938352058409509756310147795204209859701881294

Real World Usage

See [copycats command line tool (and core library)( - crypto cats / kitties collectibles unchained - buy! sell! hodl! sire! - play for free - runs off the blockchain - no ether / gas required

More Documentation / Articles / Samples


The base32-alphabets scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.