Barrio Client

A ruby gem that makes it easy to access the Barrio Platform API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'barrio-client'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install barrio-client


Wherever you want to request data, include the library and create an instance of the client:

require 'barrio-client'
client ='your-client_id-here')

You can get a client_id here.

Then you can query for information:

locations = client.locations(:city => 'tijuana', :category => 'restaurant', :q => "kokopelli")

puts locations.count                     # Result: 2

puts                # Result: Tacos Kokopelli
puts locations.first.location.address    # Result: Ave. Ocampo entre la 8va y 9na, Tijuana, Baja California
puts locations.first.location.latitude   # 32.524164
puts locations.first.location.longitude  # -117.030916

locations.each do |l|

# Tacos Kokopelli
# Foodgarden


Four query methods are provided:

# Search for locations using any of the supported filters or criteria
locations = client.locations(:category => 'store', :city => 'ensenada')

# Query for one specific location by Barrio ID
location = client.location('barbacoa-el-corral-tijuana-mexico')

# Find all the pictures for a specific location
pictures = client.location_pictures('foodgarden-tijuana-mexico')
puts pictures.last.url.large              # Result:

# Look up one specific picture by id
picture = client.location_picture('foodgarden-tijuana-mexico', 1055)

Supported Filters

When using client.locations to search, there are many supported filters you can use. They are all documented here.

Here are some examples:

  • :sort
    • Change the sort order of results
  • :q
    • Search for locations by keyword or text
  • :lat/:lng
    • Search for locations near a certain latitude/longitude coordinate
  • :category
  • :city
    • Limit your search to one city
  • :neighborhood

There are many more filters available. This library supports everything supported by the Platform API, so refer to the API documentation for a full list of available filters.


If you need help or have questions, check out the documentation or contact us.