
Written by Loren Segal in 2009.


Barracuda is a Ruby wrapper library for the OpenCL architecture. OpenCL is a framework for multi-processor computing, most notably allowing a programmer to run parallel programs on a GPU, taking advantage of the many cores available.

Barracuda aims to abstract both CUDA and OpenCL, however for now only OpenCL on OSX 10.6 is supported. Patches to extend this support would be joyously accepted!


As mentioned above, this library currently only supports OSX 10.6 (or an earlier version with the OpenCL framework, if that's even possible). If you manage to mess with the source and get it working on [insert system here], please submit your patches.

Okay, assuming you have a compatible machine:

sudo gem install barracuda


git clone git://
cd barracuda
rake install


The basic workflow behind the OpenCL architecture is:

  1. Create a program (and kernel) to be run on the GPU's many cores.
  2. Create input/output buffers to pass data from Ruby to the GPU and back.
  3. Read the output buffer(s) to get your computed data.

In Barracuda, this looks basically like:

  1. Create a Barracuda::Program
  2. Create a Barracuda::Buffer or Barracuda::OutputBuffer
  3. Call the kernel method on the program with buffers as arguments
  4. Read output buffers

As you can see, there are only 3 basic classes: Program, Buffer (for input data), and OutputBuffer (for output data).


Consider the following example to sum a bunch of integers:

program = <<-'eof'
  __kernel sum(__global int *in, __global int *out) {
    atom_add(out, in[get_global_id(0)]); 

output =, 1)
program.sum((1..65536).to_a, output)

puts "The sum is: " +[0].to_s

The above example will compute the sum of integers 1 to 65536 using (at most) 65536 parallel processes and return the result in the 1-dimensional output buffer (which stores integers and is of length 1). The kernel method sum is called by calling the #sum method on the program object, and the arguments are passed in sequentially as the output buffer, followed by the input data (the integers) followed by the total size of the input (since C does not have the concept of array size).

We can also specify the work group size (the number of iterations we need to run). Barracuda automatically selects the size of the largest buffer as the work group size, but in some cases this may be too small or too large. To manually specify the work group size, call the kernel with an options hash:

program.my_kernel_method(..., :times => 512)


OpenCL has a variety of native types. Most of them are supported, however some are not. Because Ruby only has the concept of Float and Fixnum (integer), you may need to tell Barracuda the type of your input if you're trying to pass in a char, short or double (or possibly have some signedness restrictions). To do this, simply call .to_type(:my_type) on the input where :my_type is a key in the Barracuda::TYPES hash:

>> Barracuda::TYPES.keys
=> [:bool, :char, :uchar, :short, :ushort, :int, :uint, :long, 
    :ulong, :float, :half, :double, :size_t, :ptrdiff_t, 
    :intptr_t, :uintptr_t]

For example, to pass in a short, do:


This can also be applied to an Array of shorts:

program.my_kernel([1, 2, 3].to_type(:short))



Represents an OpenCL program  => creates a new program

Program#compile(SOURCE)      => recompiles a program

Program#KERNEL_METHOD(*args) => runs KERNEL_METHOD in the compiled program
  - args should be the arguments defined in the kernel method.
  - supported argument types are Float and Fixnum objects only.
  - if the last arg is a Hash, it should be an options hash with keys:
      - :times => FIXNUM (the number of iterations to run)


Stores data to be sent to an OpenCL kernel method*buffer_data) => creates a new input buffer

Buffer#data              => accessor for the buffer data

Buffer#size_changed      => call this if the was modified and the size changed
  - calls Buffer#write

Buffer#write             => call this if the was modified (size not changed)
  - flushes the cache to the OpenCL internal memory buffer

Buffer#read              => reads the cached data back into
  - refreshes the cache according to the internal memory buffer


Holds a buffer for data written from the kernel method., size) => creates a new output buffer
  - type can be :float or :int

OutputBufferBuffer#data      => accessor for the buffer data

OutputBuffer#size            => returns the buffer size


  • Program: an OpenCL program is generally created from a variant of C that has extra domain specific keywords. A program has at least one "kernel" method, but can have many regular methods.

  • Kernel: a special "entry" method in the program that is exposed to the programmer to be called on via the OpenCL framework. A kernel method is represented by the __kernel keyword before the method body.

  • Buffer: memory storage which is accessible and (generally shared with the program). Buffers are usually marked with the __global keyword in an OpenCL program.

Copyright 2009 Loren Segal, licensed under the MIT License