Module: Bambora::Bank::BatchReportMessages

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Constant Summary collapse


Adds message text to the response as per the Bambora Docs:

  '1' => 'Invalid bank number',
  '2' => 'Invalid branch number',
  '3' => 'Invalid account number',
  '4' => 'Invalid transaction amount',
  '5' => 'Reference number too long',
  '6' => 'Invalid due date',
  '7' => 'Due date out of valid date range',
  '8' => 'Customer name truncated to 32 characters',
  '9' => 'Customer name missing',
  '10' => 'Duplicate transaction matching bank account',
  '11' => 'Zero, negative or non-numeric amount',
  '12' => 'Invalid bank and/or branch number',
  '13' => 'Payee/drawee name cannot be spaces',
  '14' => 'Invalid payment code',
  '15' => 'Invalid transaction type',
  '16' => 'Account Closed',
  '17' => 'NSF – Debit declined due to insufficient funds.',
  '18' => 'Transaction rejected by Bank',
  '19' => 'Invalid bank, branch, or account number',
  '20' => 'Refused by payor',
  '21' => 'Funds not cleared',
  '22' => 'Account Frozen',
  '23' => 'Payment Stopped',
  '24' => 'Transaction Cancelled',
  '25' => 'Cannot Trace',
  '26' => 'Incorrect Payor/Payee Name',
  '27' => 'Payor/Payee Deceased',
  '28' => 'Invalid transit routing number',
  '29' => 'Invalid Account Type',
  '30' => 'Transaction type not permitted',
  '31' => 'No Checking Privileges',
  '33' => 'Edit Reject',
  '35' => 'Reserved Return Code',
  '36' => 'Payment Recalled',
  '38' => 'Not in accordance with agreement – Personal',
  '39' => 'Agreement revoked – Personal',
  '40' => 'No pre-notification – Personal',
  '41' => 'Not in accordance with agreement – Business',
  '42' => 'Agreement revoked – Business',
  '43' => 'No pre-notification – Business',
  '44' => 'Customer Initiated Return Credit Only',
  '45' => 'Currency/Account Mismatch',
  '46' => 'No Debit Allowed',
  '47' => 'Interbank – Returned Item',
  '48' => 'Routing as entered, account modified',
  '49' => 'Routing as entered, repair of account unknown',
  '50' => 'Routing as entered, account unknown',
  '51' => 'Routing number modified, account as entered',
  '52' => 'Routing number modified, account modified',
  '53' => 'Routing number modified, repair of account unknown',
  '54' => 'Routing number modified, account unknown',
  '55' => 'ACH Unavailable for account',
  '56' => 'Customer code invalid/missing payment info',
  '58' => 'Profile status is closed or disabled',
  '59' => 'Invalid SEC code',
  '60' => 'Invalid Account Identifier',
  '61' => 'Invalid Account Identifier',
  '62' => 'Reference Number is Missing',
  '63' => 'Invalid Customer Country Code',
  '64' => 'Invalid Bank Country Code',
  '65' => 'Invalid Bank Name',
  '66' => 'Bank Name is Missing',
  '67' => 'Addendum not allowed, too long, or has invalid characters',
  '68' => 'Invalid Bank Descriptor',
  '69' => 'Invalid Customer Name',
  '70' => 'Transaction rejected - contact support',
  '71' => 'Refund Request by End Customer',
  '72' => 'Blocked due to a Notice of Change',